Real-life Rapunzel's hair is so long strangers refuse to believe her age


The speed at which babies grow a full head of hair varies significantly - some fail to show any hair until they are a full-grown toddler whole others are both with voluminous locks.

But two-year-old Dollie is being compared to Princess Rapunzel for the similarities in their luscious long locks.

The little girl made headlines when she was born with an extraordinary thick head of hair, and two years later her locks are even more impressive - growing all the way to the bottom of her back.

Her mum, Katie Canham, 34, says strangers now continuously compare her young tot to Rapunzel whenever they catch a glimpse of her locks.

Dollie, from Bromley in South London, got her first haircut when she was just three months old - and Katie now dedicates almost half an hour each morning to styling her daughter’s hair.

If Dollie could have her way with styling her hair, she’d leave it all down - something her mum just can’t allow it.

She added: “I can’t let her have it down all the time because of how knotted it gets, and she sometimes gets things stuck in it.”

Blimey … have any parents ever seen such an amazing head of hair on a toddler they know … :question:


That is quite incredible for a toddler her age, I must say. Never seen it myself, no. She seems quite happy - although it must be difficult to brush in the mornings :joy:

No, never seen the like before but it’s lovely, lucky girl👱‍♀️

At a few months old…My Daughter was born with thick black hair likewise my oldest Son and Myself were…We all lost that when a few months old and ended up with mousy shades…She had a face like a Doll and looks like she is wearing a Wig…She did blossom though…phew…Twin Son was blond and we called him Yubbie…he was like a little hot water bottle…


Bloomin’ adorable, Dianne! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Her hair is amazing. I know how tangled it could get too, my Daughter had long hair, from 5 years, still does & hers was awful to manage, luckily she now does it herself.

Amazing to have hair that length on one so young! I’m not surprised people find it hard to believe she’s only two years old. I wonder what her mother’s hair - or her father’s for that matter - is like?

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With her mother, when younger:

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Wow! Thanks Omah.

She looks like a little doll, doesn’t she? So adorable.

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My niece had very thick hair as a baby, and it grew long quickly. I have a photo somewhere of her at about 7 or 8 months, with thick shoulder length waves! Because she was blonde, it didn’t look quite as strikingly unusual as this little tot, but it was certainly remarked upon at the time.

I was just about to say I had a Sindy doll like her with a hole in it’s head so you could pull her hair out to make it longer.


That must have been traumatic! So glad I didn’t have dolls when I was growing up! :joy:

Tressy - her hair grows!

I remember wanting a Tressy - but never got one!


Looking at it now, seeing that hair being pulled out of her scalp looks rather grotesque! :astonished:

I remember a doll like that. Didn’t it have a ponytail? A special edition.

I want one! what a fabulous advert. But yes it’s a bit creepy when they pull the hair out.