
It’s been a while, actually a long while, since I’ve posted here.
I had a bit of a burp health-wise which involved my vision, and made everything blurry.
Over time, while it has been improving, I’ve been a big lurker trying to read what’s going on. Most of it was good! :smiley:
I was so sad when I read that my word game buddy Dandysmom (Eileen) had passed. RIP sweet lady, you’re forever in charge of word games now.
I also have to mention that I love how you’ve all remembered her here on the board. She deserves nothing less tho eh?

I’m looking forward to getting to know everybody.

It shows what a nice place this is to be,glad you are feeling able to come back. I didnt know Eileen very long but she was a star and I miss her, we were of the same age.Welcome back.

Thank you!
It feels real good to be here.
I’m probably gonna stuff up, and make some stupid mistakes, but I have an excuse don’t I?!! :smiley:

Good to have you back Jackie, and great to hear your sight is recovering somewhat. Yes, Eileen was a big character on here and is still missed by all of her friends, but life moves on as they say…:wink:

Hope to see more of you now that you are better, and once again welcome back to the forum…:slight_smile:

And thank you sir!
I plan on sticking around!

Hello Jackie :slight_smile: it’s lovely to see you back. I look forward to chatting with you.

Hello Jackie and welcome back. I do hope your sight is back to normal. We don’t appreciate our sight until something happens.

Take care xx

Good morning Jackie darlin’ and welcome back.

Hi Jackie, we’ve never met but I’d like to say I’m happy to hear your eyesight has improved, must have been dreadful for you.
Welcome back :wink:

Great to have you here again Jackie and the best of good health to you.:smiley:

Waves at Jackie, welcome back…I’m a noob. Good to hear your recovering well. :slight_smile:

Thank you all!
I think I picked a bad time to re-introduce myself - we’re still doing reno’s (read hubby’s doing all the work!!) and he’s also re-wiring - so I’ve been without power at times - still will be.
BTW, this reno’s been going on forever!! We’ll have it right one day! :smiley:

Jackie darlin’ - the clock is ticking!!! - renovations will need to be completed this side of winter otherwise you’ll be up to your armpits in snow and ice INSIDE your house.

Don’t we know it!!
It’s okay though, we have a nice big woodstove to keep us cosy!
And we have been up to our armpits in snow!
This pic was last winter -

Before then tho, we’d like to enjoy some more goodies from our garden - we’ve had lots of peas and strawberries so far!

Strawberries Jackie darlin??? - Hmmmmmmm - since you have a glut of them - try making yourself strawberry Vodka. In a Kilner jar (a jar that has a lid), put about 2 Lb strawberries. Add 1 Kilo of sugar and as much of a bottle of Vodka that you can get in to fill up the jar. Over the next few days, with the handle of a wooden spoon gently stir the vodka to help the sugar dissolve. Once the sugar has all dissolved. Store jar in a cool dark place for approx 3 months - it should be ready to drink at Xmas.