Raw Sewage In Our Rivers and Sea's are our beaches safe anymore

Do you remember the industrial bit between Whitby and Redcar, around Skinningrove?
When I was a nipper, the sea used to be red in the bay at Skinningrove, as pipes from the local ironworks emptied into the sea. I never fancied swimming in it.

The ironworks closed down sometime in the 1970s, I think. I am told the water there is crystal clear now and it’s a popular local spot for swimming - the old Victorian ironworks jetty forming a convenient spot to jump into the water.
I spent a lot of my childhood just along the coast in Loftus - I haven’t been back there for years.

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Same here Boot me and my brothers used to go winkling at Saltburn we would park our bikes at the pub by that little bit of beach near the cliffs.Our kid the eldest would go missing halfway through but we always knew he had popped in the pub and left us do the work. That ride home was a killer as well.
Yes been years since I was around that way.
I am guessing now that they are getting rid of all the works around that way soon it will be all apartments now we are getting warmer climate. :sweat_smile:

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:joy::joy: What a read. Loved it. :joy::joy:

There’s always going to be sh1t but we’re paying companies millions of pounds to treat it and then dispose of it responsibly. We’re not getting a good deal and neither is the environment. It’s scandalous.

I suppose at the end of the day we can always send the kids down by the local becks to play and tell them to stick flags in the turds and watch them sail away down stream.

It’s quite a dilemma heh as the world popn continues to increase [ and the chinese are trying to join in again] so does the number of arseH - cattles are increasing too and dropping plops if most of us can keep our households clean then why not the re-circling plants - surely they just need increasing too?

Ben Elton once said that the British wouldn’t enjoy their gin and tonic unless it had a turd floating in it.

Ben Elton?.. who did he used to be?..lol

Actually sh$t is natures way of recycling…Cattle poops fertilize the grass which produces rich growth for the animals to eat, digest and poop out all over again completing the cycle. Remove the animals and eventually all the nutrients contained in the earth will be exhausted and the grass will die. Dead and decaying things, with the help of bacteria also provide food for the next new crop of growing stuff. Our waste could provide more energy than all the wind turbines currently in use. We produce lots of waste and it is pumped into the sea but could be used in anaerobic digesters to produce methane for power generation and transport on demand, and not just when the sun shines or it’s windy.
Plankton in the sea derived and fed from the our waste products feeds other marine life, another of natures clean up tasks. So our waste and that of other animals, all has it’s place in nature, it’s just unfortunate that it tends to accumulate around our shores, but the oceans cover over 71% of the earths surface and are deeper than Everest is high so I shouldn’t worry too much about it becoming polluted any time soon…

Fact Sheet | Biogas: Converting Waste to Energy | White Papers | EESI.
Organic wastes also generate large amounts of methane as they decompose. Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas that traps heat in the atmosphere more efficiently than carbon dioxide. Given equal amounts of methane and carbon dioxide, methane will absorb 86 times more heat in 20 years than carbon dioxide. To reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the risk of pollution to waterways, organic waste can be removed and used to produce biogas, a renewable source of energy. When displacing fossil fuels, biogas creates further emission reductions, sometimes resulting in carbon negative systems. Despite the numerous potential benefits of organic waste utilization, including environmental protection, investment and job creation, the United States currently only has 2,200 operating biogas systems, representing less than 20 percent of the total potential.

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another great facts check OGF - keep em coming - your prophesorial skills are remarkable - " Dung for minors""

My pleasure bret…

i am surprised they havent figuered a way to recycle our poop it must be an amazing fertilizer, and the liquid thats left could water/fertilise green houses that were growing our own salads instead of importing several hundred millions worth every week.
come on tory govt make some money out of the shit you spread.


they’re playing with their trainset atm so they don’t give a shLLt!

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I know, but what i am suggesting is thousands of jobs all over the country
plus a huge reduction in the ballance of payments
and its changing the brown stuff into the green stuff…lol… sorted

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oeer they’ve started fightin in the play cribs now about who’s turn it is to stop and start the trains!!

Which just goes to show that the establishment are not concerned with pollution or saving the planet with their net zero policies, it’s just a manifesto that the people can’t possibly argue with or even discuss, even though it has been proved that it’s all nonsense.

it’s choo choo versus poo poo ??


Both are out of my hands bret…

GOOD OGF glad there’s none of that stuff on your hands then or Mrs Fox would not be happy heh!!

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when you remember the buses coming out of the bus station belching black clouds, its easy to see the polution, but also the amount of smoke we were puffing out when about ninety per cent of us smoked… thats mostly gone now…
are you aware that about a third of sheeps breath is methane, it sounds an insane amount, but that was the figure i read

Ah that’s why the farmers out here tell us never to start smokin when ya herding sheep heh - so that’s why we’re short of shepherds all the time out here??