Raw Sewage In Our Rivers and Sea's are our beaches safe anymore

Are our beach’s safe anymore, even if we take our families into the countryside there is still a chance that the rivers are just as polluted with raw sewage is any where safe.
Where is the best and safest place you go to.?

The swimming pool

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Swimming through the motions then.

Yuk… thank god i read that before sitting down for my tea. :scream:

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Thank you Eliza

Hi this is to Admin or Moderators if any.
I posted this Bee Gee concert on the wrong thread could you please move it to the correct thread or delete it either way i much appreciate it.
Sorry for the trouble.

No but they never were. Raw sewage has been flowing into our waterways since the beginning if time.

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Bee Gees probably belong in the music section :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Yes thanks d00d my only excuse for my stupidity is I got disorientated when brokenvows said what he did but I did manage to keep my food down.
I used to love swimming in the sea at Whitby and Redcar when I was a nipper thanks again. :+1:

@David-George you should be able to delete it yourself,is there a pencil at the bottom of your post along side the heart and others ? click on this and then you will be able to use your back button on your keyboard .
Then when all your post is wiped out just put Deleted ,

You can then put your music vid on the thread for music .

The big briny fixes everything, salt water kills disease.

Which makes you wonder about the great world cities built on a river estuary. Clever if a bit smelly at times.

Except it doesn’t we are poisoning the ocean

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Hi Eliza could not find the delete button so it would not allow me to move on so I left you the message.
Thanks again.

I used to swim in the river Mersey when I was a nipper and it was classed as one of the most polluted rivers in Europe. There was very little life in there at the time. Over the years it has been cleaned up and you often see anglers fishing there now. I’m sure if the government gets its way it will be devoid of life again pretty soon.

the thing is the profits paid out to the water companies is theft, they should be made to pay for proper treatmen plants, the profits poured back into the plant, and when they polute they should be properly fined…


I can imagine the dinosaurs left a lot of crap lying about and when that big meteor hit that would have been like a crop spreader - spraying shIIt all over the place but we still prospered and then wot about all the sheep and cattle poo bein dropped here and there and birds and some of em are big birds! and of course the jets drop their loads so I am led to believe?? there is shIIt everwhere and still we survive?

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Do you remember the industrial bit between Whitby and Redcar, around Skinningrove?
When I was a nipper, the sea used to be red in the bay at Skinningrove, as pipes from the local ironworks emptied into the sea. I never fancied swimming in it.

The ironworks closed down sometime in the 1970s, I think. I am told the water there is crystal clear now and it’s a popular local spot for swimming - the old Victorian ironworks jetty forming a convenient spot to jump into the water.
I spent a lot of my childhood just along the coast in Loftus - I haven’t been back there for years.

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Same here Boot me and my brothers used to go winkling at Saltburn we would park our bikes at the pub by that little bit of beach near the cliffs.Our kid the eldest would go missing halfway through but we always knew he had popped in the pub and left us do the work. That ride home was a killer as well.
Yes been years since I was around that way.
I am guessing now that they are getting rid of all the works around that way soon it will be all apartments now we are getting warmer climate. :sweat_smile:

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:joy::joy: What a read. Loved it. :joy::joy:

There’s always going to be sh1t but we’re paying companies millions of pounds to treat it and then dispose of it responsibly. We’re not getting a good deal and neither is the environment. It’s scandalous.

I suppose at the end of the day we can always send the kids down by the local becks to play and tell them to stick flags in the turds and watch them sail away down stream.