Rare blue moon

Last night there was a blue moon .
There won’t be another for 14 years
Hence the expression ‘once in a blue moon’


I looked up at it around half ten last night and it looked the same as it usually does, I couldn’t see any difference :man_shrugging:t2:

I saw it and it looked enormous. Didn’t realise it was a blue moon. Thank you for that @Muddy

Totally agree @Mad-Ralph I was up at 3.30am , and looked out at it and no hint of Blue , was it suppose to be ?It was very bright thats all i can say …

I went out last night to look not even a glow, the clouds had rolled in. Very disappointing.


It’s very rare that it would appear blue, it’s more of a size difference you should notice. :+1:

How can I see the blue moon?

The best time to catch a glimpse is when your local conditions are best suited to a clear sky - low cloud cover, favourable weather, and no obstructions on the horizon - such as buildings or trees.

Astronomer Professor Don Pollacco, department of physics, University of Warwick, said: "One of the flukes of nature is that the apparent size of the moon can be very similar to that of the sun.

“This occurs because, while the moon is much smaller than the sun, it is much closer to the Earth.”

He added: "To see the full moon, look east after sunset. If you have a clear horizon it should be obvious.

"The moon is so bright that we can see it when it’s not particularly dark or even if the weather isn’t particularly clear.

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It is not supposed to look blue, it is merely the term given to the second full moon in a calendar month.

The only thing special about this full moon was that it coincided with the moon being in the closest part of its orbit to Earth so it appeared slightly larger than normal and described as a super moon.

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Blue Moons that are blue are incredibly rare and have nothing to do with the calendar or the Moon’s phases but are instead a result of atmospheric conditions. Volcanic ashes and smoke, water droplets in the air, or certain types of clouds can all contribute to a Full Moon taking on a blue shade on rare occasions.

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Been looking for it for 3 nights the sky is full of clouds , can’t even see the glow . So disappointing

I caught it very early this morning just as it was about to set. It was slightly larger than normal but I think these “super” moons are over rated as a phenomenon, a full moon is a spectacular sight, a super moon only marginally more so.

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I looked for three nights, but haven’t seen this blue moon.
I wish I had. :relaxed:

There have been lots of movies about a comet crashing into earth
i know by the craters we can see that the moon has taken many hits
but what if it took a fatal hit?
how might that effect the earth