Ragdoll cats and kittens


Coco as a kitten.


Oh … me heart yearns …‘sigh’
I’ll have to wait till I get to the ‘Rainbow Bridge’ there’ll be one waiting for me there along with my precious foster dog ‘Boo’ :slight_smile:

Nooo this is making me broody and with mad lab Elsie who is deathly afraid of cats and kittens I can’t have one :!:

Your Coco is a beautiful cat, Susie.

Glad you all like her, she is our baby.


The only thing about Ragdolls, they can be very demanding, we have spoilt Coco, she screams when her food bowl is empty even if she doesn’t want any food, its still got to be filled up. She screams when she has been to the toilet as you have to clean her tray out straight away. She will call you when she wants to go out, so on goes the Harness and Lead and off we go. She will scream at you when its 9-9.30pm because she wants to go to bed, but will only go up if one of us goes to bed with her, and she will scream at you at 5am to get you up in the morning. Coco does not eat Cat Food, unfortunately we seem to have a vegetarian cat, she will only eat Tin Tuna Fish in Spring Water, that’s it. She has double cream and Lurpak butter, we have to have Margarine.

Also Ragdolls are all limp, so it is very difficult to pick her up if she is laying down, you have to put both hands underneath her and shovel her up and hold her, because Ragdolls have not got a strong back bone, they cannot climb or jump like other cats, Coco can only jump as far as the Windowseals or Table. And when you are carrying her she will go all limp and relaxed with her legs hanging down.

Is that because you have spoilt her Susie - :-p
She’s so worth it though :slight_smile:


Here is Coco watching herself on my Computer.

Yes I suppose so Patsy, being that we don’t have children, we treat her as if she is our child, so she is very spoilt.

But her food, the Breeder was already feeding all of her kittens on Tuna, and I have tried everything on her from Cat Food to Roast Dinners, but no she will not touch meat at all, she only wants her Tuna, but the Vet says she is really healthy.

Susie, as a cat lover myself, I am concerned when you say Coco will only eat Tin Tuna Fish in Spring water :confused: If tuna, canned for humans, is used as a cat food replacement, the cat is likely to have health issues (particularly with eyesight) because tuna does not contain taurine.

Taurine is an essential amino acid that your cat relies on in its dietary intake since he cannot produce on his own. If your cat is on a purely a vegetarian diet, he needs to be fed Taurine as a supplement to ensure his daily taurine needs are met.

Taurine is indispensable for the development and the integrity of the retina of the eye and the nervous system. It also plays a role in blood coagulation, cardiovascular system, immunity and protection of the respiratory tissue.

An interesting link … http://www.eukanuba.com/cat-articles/cat-health/taurine-in-cat-food

Hi Mags,

Thank you for the link it was very interesting. I have heard about this before and I spoke with my Vets and he said because Coco has Dried Biscuits with her Tuna, that she was ok, he said she was very healthy indeed. Coco does have a lot of biscuits during the day and evening. When I go to the Vets again for her yearly Booster I will speak to him again.

Thank you! Susie x

Spoiling Coco Susie, never heard of such a thing, people spoiling their pets, whatever next :lol: The fact that our lives are ruled by the demands and needs of one small dog who must have the best seat in the house, who must have her needs attended to before anyone else, who expects at least one new toy every day etc etc, doesn´t mean she is spoilt does it?:lol::lol:

(we get round the new toy every day by taking toys from her toy box and hiding them in a wardrobe, that way she thinks she´s getting a new one, she now rushes to the wardrobe waiting for her new toy)

Oh you horrible Mother lol, letting your poor dog think she’s getting a new toy every day, ha ha.

I have already been out in the garden 3 times this morning with Coco, she has now had breakfast and washing her face and ready to go to sleep again.

Here are some facts about Ragdolls.

pusscats.com/Ragdoll_Cats.htm Cached

The link didn’t work Susie …


Hi Patsy, try this one, its a different one but the same advise.

Thanks Susie - I had a good read, but then I clicked on more info and got broody - ah well, I’ve got Fabio to make a fuss of :slight_smile: