This morning we were up and early. I had an appoint with my Doctor’s Surgery - just the routine annual check up. No problems. The usual bloods, the weights and measures, and the blood pressure. Then we had the groomer - she collects Max for him. She is so good with him and I think it is mutual.
The we did a bit of DIY. We put a new mirror in our downstairs bathroom. About 800mm by 500mm. We are rather pleased with it.
I think a larger mirror makes the light shine better in a bathroom. My bathroom is tiny, but the window is a decent size. My mirror is round though, which I’m not keen on so I might change it after christmas.
That’s an idea, thank you My current one came from a wee local hardware shop and cost £9, no frame either! It looked nice in the bathroom I had before moving house, but here it just looks a bit wrong. I’ll have a look in Ikea though