Point taken!
My grandmother if you did something to offend her…
'“I’ve got a bone to pick with you”
It’s not just different countries/nations that have quirks of language.
Within any country there are different names and different expressions for things. Down by here, we say, by here instead of here.
A goyle is a ravine or gully, but by here it is usually referring to a large pothole.
A drainage dyke is called a rhyne by here.
Gert means great by here, so something gert big would be great big. Gert great means something huge.
Whilst working in Tennessee, I asked an American what time he would be leaving work. He said, “Ten of four”.
I asked if he meant ten to or ten past four.
He replied, “Ten of four”.
I asked him slowly and loudly, “Do you speak English?”.
Quirks of languages for me came about when teacher gave us a new dictionary one day a longtime ago.
The dictionary of Synonyms, Antonyms and Homonyms
And for my 8th birthday, Papa got me a collection similar to this one about Medieval English
Another one I added later on to help me find alternative words for creative writing… The humble Thesaurus!
It helped me find quirky words of all kind hidden within the English language!
Blimey,you must have been some sort of prodigy
I don’t know if I was but I got beaten up often due to winning weekly prizes. One major one was when 8 years old (when Papa gave me the books) as I’d won “University Reading Level”.
I’ve my Father to thanks a million to encourage “The Three Rs” Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, the writing of his storytelling. He was proud as elder sibling apparently failed. I never asked as all I’d get was a punch in the face.
Let’s not get into Spelling Contest. Most times I didn’t participate anymore, I was sore enough thanks!
Genius !
Sounds nasty.I hope they grew out of it.
Put it that way, I was happy when she got married and moved away. Relief! I was mighty glad to leave the area and them schools. Secondary and finishing schools were much better.
I love learning, a day not learning is a day lost. However, I never enjoyed going into them buildings as people weren’t pleasant!
Emotionally unfulfillment!
I fully agree with you, but, I am really struggling with learning the Ukrainian language.
Sorry dear, can’t help there. English, French, German, Spanish and Latin.
Other languages to communicate online I get help from Google Translate!
I only speak English, Wurzel, and HillBilly fluently, with a smattering of Deutchlish and Franglais thrown in.