Quality Street axes famous plastic wrappers on chocolates after 86 years as part of green drive

I’m not bothered about the wrappers it’s what’s inside that counts :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Oh but the nuts though!

Oh wait…

Oh I just realised where this is going now…VLAD! :018:

As long as the green triangle is in there…
I’ll be happy :grin:


Well…I’m dying to say something nice about this, but I can’t for fear of it being misconstrued :astonished: :innocent:

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I like the green traingle too, Rhian…and the blue one, fudge…so nice. :yum:

Oh yes !

Not me mate , it was you that started it, dirty girl!:scream:

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Why can’t they use cellophane instead? Isn’t that plant based, from cellulose? They could still keep the shiny foil inside bits, they’d be acceptable, wouldn’t they? Or is all the foil these days plastic stuff, like the ruddy awful tinsel they sell now?

I vote for a return to the good ole days, when Quality Street was wrapped in proper foil and cellophane. Then it would still be all shiny and rustly just as it should be :partying_face:

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Thank you! yes, shiny, rustly and pretty…heaven knows we need something to cheer us up at Christmas!


We used to have so much fun as kids with the proper foil, saving all the bits and smoothing them out with the back of a teaspoon - all competing with each other who could get the foil the thinnest and shiniest without any bits tearing off, haha!

Same with Easter eggs - they used to be magical, wrapped in pretty coloured foil, with the chocolates inside the egg. Now they’re all in those horrible plastic egg shaped inserts, with the extra sweeties in a little plastic bag at the bottom. All the magic has been stripped out of them :frowning_face: (with apologies for going off topic …)

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Oh don’t mind going off topic…it’s all one and the same. People messing about with chocolate wrappings and making them all…ridiculous.

I did that with the Easter eggs too :joy: I still do it with kit kat foil, but shhh…don’t tell anyone or they’ll end up being wrapped in recycled paper or somesuch as well :roll_eyes:

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Why not go and buy a couple of boxes/tubs now, with the original wrappers? Then you could save and re-use the wrappers to replace the new style. Think.of the hours of endless fun you could have re-wrapping. :grin:

Kit Kat always tasted better for some reason when they were wrapped in foil…
It’s so hard to open them now without breaking them.

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I’m all for buying up tubs now but re-wrapping? Err…no…unwrap once, eat, move on…ain’t nobody got time for that! :astonished: :candy:

It’s a skill, isn’t it…not breaking it. Especially the multipacks :roll_eyes: By the time I wrestle to get them open I’ve gone off the idea and go for a garabaldi!

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Ah, the joys when the foil and chocolate had fused together, and you try to eat it and spit the metal out.

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This makes me wince! :scream:

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Happy days. Has it never happened to you?

No…I don’t have fillings and I think that makes it worse (according to a friend of mine who clutched her face in agony after she ate metalised kitkats) :flushed: Many swear words happened.


Your friend will be pleased to know Kitkats have also changed wrappings to a recycled recyclable plastic . I’m not sure I like the idea of recycled plastic jacket covering my chocolate :chocolate_bar: