Quadrangle - strange word that

Is there a Birangle? Is there a Trirangle?
How many Rangles are there?

gotta fandangle if that’s any use?

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Wow, I have not seen a Fandangle for many a year, are they still piebald or do they come in multicolours nowdays?

The Bermudrangle should be avoided if possible.


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Thank’s for the heads up.
Imma never gonna go there, assured of that.

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Don’t tangle with Kurt Angle


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I’ve heard the word a lot. On many school campuses, there’s a quadrangle or quad where people congregate. It’s bounded by 4 sides, generally with buildings.

It’s less likely to be a triangle because that would be a poor use of space. If it’s only bounded by two sides, it’s more likely to be called a mall or walkway.

In math, it’s more likely called a rectangle or square. That has equivalent terms for other shapes with multiple sides.

I’ve got a dangler if that counts :wink::+1:


I think a brangle was an Elizabethan argument

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I remember mum would Rangel with her mangel and sometimes get in a tangle when I was a nipper.


Well to add to your curiousity Bret, have you explored the following ?

“Why are USGS topographic maps called “quadrangles”?”

I wish I had my Mums old mangle , they cost a fortune in garden centres now .

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WOW ! A mobile phone crusher ! :innocent:
I’ve been looking everywhere for one of these. :laughing:

This would be perfect for those cases where pig ignorant mobile users etc etc. :innocent: :laughing:



I think Rowdy Yates used to wrangle longhorns in Rawhide?

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I sometimes used to wrangle down the price of jeans in street markets… usually Levi’s.

Never got into the big W on the backside look.

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Wow, fascinating. Even Mars, Mercury, the Moon and Venus have Quadrangle maps.

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Bojangle count?? Mr that is!