Put a Caption on my photo


This is my husband outside our local Church.
se note these section is for light hearted and family-friendly topics only (please remove this text when creating your post).


“And then all of a sudden whoosh!!!, my wallet disappeared!”

It was here a minute ago!

Yeuk…I think I’ve put my hand on something not nice.

Rob feeds an imaginary pigeon.

…on the other hand…

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Aww, go on, Vicar - spare me a few Bob from the collection plate!

“Aw, a ladybird”

I know I shouldn’t have been reading “50 Shades of Grey” outside the church! God has punished me by making it disappear! :blush:

i WILL get this damned glass of water to turn into wine……

“Oh good, no stigmata yet”

Oh father for I have sinned, but not regularly, I can count the occasions on the fingers of two hands.

does the right hand know what the left hand is doing?

I was not mansplaining,honestly.

S-o-o-o-o-t-y where have you gone,

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Just look at these hands. Worked my fingers to the bone for her. :grinning:

If you knew Susie, like I know Susie
Oh! Oh! Oh! What a girl
There’s none so classy
As this fair lassie,
Oh! Oh! Holy Moses, what a chassis!!

Not even one penny from heaven!

My Husband likes them all.


“He’s got the whole world in his hands”

Hmm…my lifeline indicates that tomorrow I shall mostly be wearing fushia.

My Husband has just come up with his own Caption.

Hands that do dishes,
can be soft as your face
as long as I keep using Fairy Liquid.