Puns picture quiz 22

12 pictures that represent a phrase or object a bit like dingbats but more detailed.

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4 Thinking outside of the box

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  1. Yellow submarine
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  1. Yellow submarine
    3 sick to back teeth?
  2. Bees knees
    11 love triangle
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  1. McDonald’s
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  1. Sock it to me
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  1. Six Pack
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  1. Cheaper by the Dozen?
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6.Topsy Turvy ?

  1. Bees Knees

Is no 6.TCP ?


8.Angel Delight ?

  1. McDonald’s
    2 Yellow submarine
    3 sick to the teeth
    4 Thinking outside of the box
    5 Six Pack
    6.TCP … (tee see pee)
    7 Bees Knees
    9 Sock it to me
    10 Cheaper by the Dozen
    11 love triangle

correct answers just No8 left to guess

  1. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly??

well done @AliceWonderland you got the last one correct here and finishes this round