Princess Martha Louise: Norway's princess sets date to wed US shaman Durek Verrett

Norway’s Princess Martha Louise will marry her American partner, self-styled shaman Durek Verrett, next summer, the couple has announced. They announced their engagement in June 2022 and received the king’s blessing. The wedding will be held in the scenic Norwegian town of Geiranger, on the shores of a fjord designated a Unesco World Heritage Site.

The princess relinquished her royal duties last year to run the alternative medicine business she shares with her fiance. Mr Verrett is known for promoting unfounded medical practices. He has suggested cancer is a choice and sold medallions online said to ward off Covid-19, while Princess Martha Louise has claimed she is able to communicate with angels.

The Hollywood guru, who describes himself as a “6th Generation Shaman” - has claimed to have risen from the dead and to have predicted the 9/11 attacks in the United States two years before they took place. Mr Verrett has argued the criticism he faces is due to racism.

Meanwhile Princess Martha Louise has attracted controversy in Norway for decades for her involvement in alternative treatments, including starting a school that aimed to help people “get in touch with their angels”.

The princess was previously married to author Ari Behn. They divorced in 2017, and Mr Behn - who had discussed suffering from depression - died by suicide on Christmas Day 2019.

The Princes may be “deluded”

Princess Märtha Louise has studied physiotherapy, trained as a Rosen therapist and studied at an academy for holistic medicine. She claims she can communicate with animals and angels and started her own alternative therapy center named Astarte Education, after one of the oldest goddesses in the Middle East. Astarte Education offered a three-year course on healing, readings, and angels. Swedish author Jan Guillou questioned the princess’s mental health.

but Verrett is, seemingly, an unashamed charlatan and conman:

Verrett claims to be a 6th generation shaman. He has claimed that his mother is of Norwegian-West Indian descent and that his father is of Haitian origin. He was formerly married to Zaneta Marzalkova, a Los Angeles resident of Czech nationality. They married in 2005 when she was 21 years old. In 2008 he reported his then-wife to the immigration authorities as an illegal resident, and as a result she was jailed and deported from the country. From 2007 to 2015 Verrett also had a boyfriend, a masseur named Hank Greenberg, who was also his business partner. Greenberg later accused Verrett of being manipulative, violent and dangerous. Verrett lived for six years with his then-manager Tiana Griego, who said that “Durek controlled my whole life.” In an interview with Norwegian media, Verrett’s mother called him “ingratiating” and “manipulative”.

Verrett claims to have been initiated spiritually by one of his grandmothers (who according to fact-checking site Vantrú, died before he was born) and an American woman who calls herself “Princess Susana von Radić of Croatia” (who is described by fact-checking site Vantrú as “a fraud who claims to be a princess.”)

Verrett claims to have worked at Shamir Medical Center in Israel, where he says he treated children for cancer using shamanistic methods, but the hospital denied that he had ever worked there. Verrett also claims to be a reincarnated Pharaoh from Egypt.

In 2019 his book “Spirit Hacking”, he claims children get cancer because they want it, and suggests that chemotherapy doesn’t work and is only given to cancer patients because the doctors make money from it. Verrett also says that he can turn atoms and literally reduce age.

Verrett has stated that he considers himself to be a reptilian, and has asserted that “I’m a hybrid species of reptilian and Andromeda, and I also hold the energies of the ancient spirits from the old world. There have been lies told about our species that I want to address. We are a cluster of beings, that means that we’ve come here to create structures that help people to come into liberation. Reptilians are here to shake up the system in a big way.”

Blimey … :037:

Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution? Groucho Marx

I think there’s two that would qualify.

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We think we have problems with our royalty…blimey Norways royals are totally bonkers!

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This just confirms my opinion of monarchy and the Royalty…. It’s ridiculous.
My sympathies go to the Norwegian public.