Prince Andrew loses military titles and use of HRH

It’s not just about money. Now it’s politics as well.

This is a sh** show. Now way should he be tried over here. Nothing happened here! I am expecting a slap on the wrist. IMHO This is just the US trying to fought a little muscle.
This whole sordid affair is nothing more than Tabloid fodder. again IMHO


Good.He has always been a big lazy lump who thinks more of partying, jetting around and chasing girls than doing any form of work. He wasn’t called Air Miles Andy for nothing. :wink:


Not in the woman’s department, I’ve read he’s slept with over a 1,000 woman…none of my business mind…just saying…

That’s how he got the name…” Randy Andy”…:wink:


This isn’t news, it is simply more of the same. He is another jerk, title or no…

Let him be treated like any other person suspected of human trafficking. If he’s innocent of all charges, why not let the courts in either country get on with it, and why doesn’t he cooperate to clear his name? I repeat…why doesn’t he cooperate to clear his name?


It’s certainly going to be very messy … hasn’t the woman, young lady/party girl that was, already received 500K dollars off Epstein back in 2009 for the customary pay off to stop the usual 'kiss and tell.
One has to wonder how much she expects to get now.

Haven’t the ex-Presidents Clinton and Trump been named as been present on Epstein’s 'fun ’ flights ?


@Flowerpower , just like the rest of the royal males FP !
What do you expect when born into privilege ??
But that is all he’s guilty of IMO !
Maybe this will take some of the shyte out of him now, but there
is nothing to convict him of ?
Donkeyman! :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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If he is returning all his royal titles then surely he isn’t Prince Andrew anymore merely a common old Duke?

There’s a tag that will never be used again!

Good question but if he’s fighting the case as a private individual will he even be a Duke?

Very droll … the grand old Duke of York.

I can’t help feeling a bit sorry for him, now.

I don’t know why, I’m not even a Royalist.

And even if he isn’t guilty of everything he’s accused of he’s guilty of keeping up his friendship with Epstein even after he was found guilty.

Plus he must have seen these very young girls at the parties. Most decent men would have steered clear, especially ones with daughters the same age.

I think Epstein exploited him and he must be pretty stupid to have fallen for it.

But I can’t help it, I’m a bit of a sucker for the underdog and there’s something very sad at seeing a man who has made such a mess of his life and totally of his own doing.

Thing is , everyone was ‘doing it’ or having a good time at pool parties or on the director’s casting couch back then.

It’s just because today it is frowned on.
Andrew was and is a sleaze ball, especially when you think during the break up of his marriage it was Fergie who was portrayed as the nit or over frivolous wife.
Even so … one wonders about the other big names who have been mentioned … unless Epstein’s 2009 deal only protected Americans on American soil. I dunno … stranger things have happened.


Can I apply for this job? I really like the requirements. :smiley: :partying_face:


At my age better make them a little slower. :smiley: :partying_face:

Yes, Mortie, they have been on Epstein’s flights. The big difference is that no female has come forward with a lawsuit, or pictures confirming the young lady was in close contact with them. That is not to say it didn’t happen, of course, but so far, so good for these two men. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Yep, he loses everything, he is on his own now.

He is no longer part of the Firm.

I have no time for him at all, I do however feel sorry for his daughters who have done nothing wrong at all.


Andrew was in his early forties .
Old enough to know better but the thing is he was so used to getting freebies he probably accepted the girl in the same way as he accepted free rides on Epsteins private jet and free holidays on his Caribbean island .
And while Epstein was a villain he wasn’t it appeared a cruel villain all these girls had the perks of the millionaire lifestyle as Giffure herself writes and they kept coming back for more for years to come and introducing other girls . Wrong it may have been but all these women are now in good circumstances and why didn’t their boyfriends / family report it at the time instead of giving them lifts to Epstein’s house ?


he behaved like royals have through the centuries including a few female ones also - back then we the prolateriat just put up with it had no choice now we can growl!

He’s anything but an underdog Maree he an arrogant obnoxious selfish man .
What has he ever done for anyone apart from his own family .
Still that doesn’t mean he’s guilty of sex trafficking or haveing underage sex .

He’s not really losing everything .
Hes still has his hereditary ranks barring the HRH and what are patronages but meaningless titles?
I think that the navy must be pretty cheesed off with a patron who left the service as a junior officer and reached the rank of vice Admiral without doing a single thing .

So, if Andrew has lost his titles, does his ex wife and his daughters lose their titles too?