Premium Bonds - have you won anything?

£75 for March …3 x £25 prizes.

Highest monthly winnings for a wee while.

I always just Google nsandi and follow the prize checker link , usually by the 3rd or 4th of the month.

The Fox is £25 better off in March…:041:


That’s two months on the bounce I’ve won £75.

This will be a good year for premium bonds…
Its already good!!!

Is this for April -they are not out until tomorrow ?

Yes that’s true Muddy, I think Moscow is still looking at the March winners as only the big prizes are announced on the first day of the month…

£50 this month

£75 for me this month!! Excellent.

A measly £25

But…I don’t think they announce the big winners till later in the month! Still hope for us all…:lol::lol::lol::lol:

April 2020 premium bond winners

This month, the two £1m jackpot prizes were won by premium bond holders in Essex and Hertfordshire.

The Essex winner is a woman who currently has the maximum holding of £50,000 saved. Her winning bond number (293GZ540034) was purchased in January 2017, and this win makes her the 17th jackpot winner in Essex.

A man in Hertfordshire held the second winning bond (239CV516628). His total holding was worth £40,000, and he bought the lucky bond back in January 2015. He’s the 13th premium bonds millionaire to come from Hertfordshire.

There were 3,527,794 prizes given out in the March draw, worth £100,836,075. However, 3,519,499 of these prizes were worth £100 or less.

This is the final prize draw before the NS&I is due to cut the number of prizes up for grabs, reducing the odds of winning from 24,500 to 1, to 26,000 to 1.

Nothing for me.

3 x £25 this month.

Lindy :slight_smile: the big winners were announced on the first of the month.

I had a £25 prize at the start of March (when I went into isolation with bronchitis) , heaven knows when I will be able to put it in the bank, this time next year maybe…

They put my winnings straight into my bank account.

Just give them your bank details.

Hi Galty :slight_smile: I wouldn’t want to do that, the arrival of a win by post is usually something to enjoy…

Understand that bit like the sex with the wife but that would be beond me as I could not wait that long


Nothing for us from Uncle Ernie this month … yet!

The Fox is £25 better off this month…:038::038::038:

Everyone’s welcome to come to my winners party with free beer and food…Oh! I’m sorry you can’t can you…:-D:-D:-D

An email from Uncle Ernie arrived this morning. 3 * £25 for me & £25 for V. Ta very much.:wink:

Oh nice one Percypops!
Eff all for us though :frowning: :mrgreen: