Premium Bonds - have you won anything?

3 x £25 this month


Just £25 this month.

Only £25 this month.

1 x £25 for me too.

2x25 this month

Drinks are on you this month then, Muddy :mrgreen:

£75 this month.

2 x £25 this month ( July)

£225 for the year so far !

Ernie has seen fit to bestow another £50 on one of his disciples this month…:041::041::041:

Tea and cakes on me this month, I don’t do alcohol…:018:
Well!..not much anyway…:wink: I could be found having a cheeky red wine with me dinner or a half of lager…:wink:

Nice one Moscow, £125 for me so far this year…:cool:

Not a thing…tuts. doesn’t surprise me I rarely win anything …but maybe I’m saving all my luck for a big lottery win?

Yes that must be it :slight_smile:

When I saw your name on my e-mail notifications I thought…Whupeeeeeee Summer has had her first win…:-D:-D:-D…:026::026::026:…And then I read your post…:-(…Sorry Summer, here’s a hug instead…:hug:…Bless!

25 pounds again this month.

With my amount of holdings(20k plus) and with nearly with 4 months to go am getting a better return than from my ISA.

nada this month :frowning:

Nothing for August… 1st time for 4 months I haven’t won.

Me too I had sort of got used to it !

Pffft…nothing for me.

How do you know, it’s very early in the month. Or can you find out if you have won anything on line?

Premium bond checker .
Also there is an app which you can use on the iPad or smartphone which tells you Day 2.

Thanks Muddy, I didn’t know about that.