Positively Good News On Health


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Scientists and Research

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Plenty of worthwhile studies going on…
.obviously the UK based research is no longer the high funded Country by the EU
But funding will be found hopefully.
The UK was granted the biggest share of the EU research ‘pot’ because the UK has proved to be excellent in that field…

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Seems to be an interesting study on the new Omicron Variant of Covid19…
…So obvious to me, but that the present vaccine has not been designed for the new Variant…So pretty much without a new vaccine it will run riot.
Who could possibly not know that.

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That is clever but it sounds as if at the moment it’s got to be personalised for each person, costly and applying a high tech solution where a low tech one ( visiting health care nurse? ) might work better.

I like the idea of Smart speakers being able to detect irregular heartbeats


I have a device that records my heart rate for atrial fibrillation and other heart issues. It’s kind of like a mobile ECG. I’m taking it to my doctor today as I’ve been in persistant Afib for 3 days and I can show her the recordings I made. Excellent device.

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Thats interesting as I have nothing like that for my irregular heart beat except medications.
Obviously the Doctor has a machine to use on patience. I visit my Cardiology Consultant again on the 1st February as I have to have a series of treatments that can affect the heart…what a vicious circle treatments can cause us.
My heart condition is caused by Hashimoto’s I’m told, likewise my Sister has this hereditary disease and suffers with irregular heart beat also.
Seems to be very common but at least it is treatable.
I spent quite a time going through some of the topics within the Science Daily and learnt something I was not aware of…harder to read than a magazine though… :roll_eyes:

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I bought the machine (Kardia), it was expensive but invaluable to me. I believe I need some different meds, the ones I’m on aren’t doing the job, they did at first but not now.


No, I had a 24 monitor to wear and then they increased one med and added another…From a heart point of view it feel better…
I have a good blood pressure machine as they need to have regular readings. but will look at your model …just look I expect though…
Sure they will give you whatever is needed to improve that for you.
My GP reminds me that he is not a qualified this or that when I visit him with high expectations.
… We get to have around an hour with him so you get to know them very well and can chat easily about lots of issues…
I have at the moment Bisoprolol 2.5 mg twice a day and Ramipril 2.5mg twice a day…I wont take the blood thinners ,which they obviously are not happy about, but that is my choice and they except it at this time.

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I take Bisoprolol 7.5 once a day and Losartan. I too told my doctor I don’t want to go on blood thinners unless it’s absolutely necessary, I’m thinking I might have to eventually to avoid a stroke. Worrying and not nice having a dicky ticker eh.

The blood thinners will cause you to bleed a lot more if you cut yourself and a few weeks ago I nipped my leg and it was as a fountain, that was scary as that was a first time anything like that had happened to me.
i called the emergency number and then they decide on the actions.
The fireman arrived which is perfectly normal here as they are trained medics. They were brilliant all 6 of them. :grinning:
The top guy said Hospital is recommended…I said look it is actually slowing down now…right he said you phone for an ambulance if it starts up again.
Well a couple of hours later it just set off again so Husband took me to the local hospital to us in Ruffec. They stopped it with just pressure and two hours later I am back home…told keep leg above heart. and if it bleeds again put the pressure back on it…No other treatment for that it seemed.

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@DianneWoollie how is your leg after you cut it?
It’s amazing what they can do these days.