Posh Tea to help get some shut-eye

Twinings Superblends Sleep.Spiced apple & vanilla with Camomile & Passionflower works for me. :sleeping:

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I daresay it works for Twinings, too. :slightly_smiling_face: :tea:

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I don’t know if it’s posh, but I used to drink Celestial Seasonings peppermint tea before bed every night for a while. It was soothing and was supposed to settle the stomach.

How could a product supplied by a company called Celestial Seasonings not have beneficial qualities? :slightly_smiling_face:

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I really don’t like the taste of tea. I wish I did, there are so many teas out there, I’ve tried flavoured ones but they all have that distinct ‘tea’ taste.

Good you found a relaxing tea Cinders, it’s so good to find something that aids sleep.

Happy Dreaming

I drink a cup of builders tea as I read in bed before settling down.
Sleep like a top :sleeping_bed:
Breathe slowly in for 3, hold for a second or two, then breathe slowly out for 4, repeat several times…
:zzz: :sleeping: :zzz: :sleeping: :zzz:

If I drank a mug of tea in bed, I’d just want to get up and tiddle. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Ruthio’s deep breathing is a better idea IMO.
I was once taught even deeper though - in for 7 out for 11. ( I did find that a little too deep though). :slightly_smiling_face:

@LionQueen thank you. Have one cup a few hours before bed and sleep till the cat wakes us up for her breakfast.