Police Not Doing Their Job

A group of mothers are furious with the police for not doing anything about their children being beaten badly by a teenage gang.
BBC News - Child assaults: ‘If the police won’t do their job, we’ll do it for them’

Dreadful on every level. This is how vigilante groups get started and things end up getting completely out of hand.

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@Rox , Thats a natural reaction Rox, it wouldnt be necassary if the
designated law keepers did their job would it ?? :-1::frowning::-1:

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That is appalling … and the police need to intervene immediately:

Children as young as 11 have been subjected to brutal attacks by teenagers in a Lancashire town - with the assaults filmed and shared on social media.

The parents believe the police have not responded fast enough, and say that’s why they feel compelled to share their footage further - and have asked us to show it. They also want to illustrate the seriousness of the attacks.

It’s thought the same group of teenagers was responsible for all the incidents.

The videos show children being dragged to the ground - squealing and crying out as they try to shield their heads from kicks and punches. Voices of others can be heard, off-camera, egging-on the attackers.

Filming such violence and humiliation, and then sharing it online, has become known by the term “patterning” - with the aim of embarrassing victims even further by forwarding the videos across the web.

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This is why I am not wanting great, we have a long way to go to get to average

@Omah , Who were the onlookers then Omah, they are just as guilty !!
With all that video available it should be easy to identify someone ??



After ringing the police, Jade says it took two weeks for an officer to visit the family. She says she was told police would only arrest the attackers if her daughter’s injuries were more severe - like brain damage.

Two of those involved in the attack received a voluntary caution, which Jade says is completely unacceptable considering the violence used.

The police are just not doing their job - they’re not dealing with master criminals but teenage morons - but that’s an excuse to do nothing …



If hypothetically this crime was committed faster than a 30mph speed limit, what would the police reaction be then?

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I am too angry to say what I’d like to do with these thuggish morons. But if the cops don’t stop pleasure cruising around in their cars and confront these little darlings, someone is going to get killed.


The families should start suing the police for being negilant in not doing their job.
At the end of the day it is the public that pay them.
Vigilante parents will do the job,and tbh,i wouldnt blame them.

I suspect that if the children who were being bullied and attacked had been of the LGBTQ etc community then no doubt there would have been action by the police farce

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It’s time to put the brakes on!
I bet if I took the initiative to protect my family and friends from anti social behaviour I’d soon get a knock on my door.

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@Omah , Jasus! they caught two and let them go !!!They must of belonged
to the chief constable then ??
Should of tortured the little bastids to get the others names imo !!

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