Plastic Bags go up to 10p

Our Co-op has these now…

Tell me about it. Marge is also a gin fanatic, or has become recently.

What is it about the sudden interest in gin amongst the ladies? I mean, unlike whisky or rum, it doesn’t actually taste of anything.

I’m tempted to say it’s living with men drives us to drink :mrgreen:

Link didn’t work for me…:frowning:

But you could drink anything you want, even wood alcohol.

Why gin? Is it cos it’s trendy? :mrgreen:

Does it come in plastic bags?

I think I may have seen it in plastic bottles!

It was just my gentle nudge to steer the thread back on topic…:slight_smile:

Oh, is this thread about plastic bags?

I thought we’d moved on!

Try this one…

Drifted…no problem.
But maybe start a new thread?