Planes Bikes and Automobiles

An unfortunate fact.

Get your motor runnin’
Head out on the highway
Lookin’ for adventure
And whatever comes our way

U seen my new “Hog” = post 2116 :grin:

Born to be Wild :notes:

2-4-6-8 Motorway :guitar:

Big Van trouble this week, resolved it myself, been a pain in the arse, cost a bit of income, such is life, banged a knee again, becoming a bit of a habit, onwards and upwards, lets keep spit out of Hospital :laughing:

can’t beat a big 'ammer

This was the main culprit

didn’t think a van had a mouse and a keyboard

must be a spitty’obob

Reminded me I can still turn my hand to mechanical repairs should I have to, come the apocalypse, a sort of Mad Max scenario :laughing: :grin:

When I last repaired a car, I thought a Lambda was an erotic dance :laughing:

might take the scoot out for a spin today

have downloaded a mileometer onto my phone, tells me distance, speed, time, how exciting

Max, information is power :icon_wink:

Go careful young man, watch out for the 20mph signs.

And, don’t forget your phone!!

it was only 6 deg this morning, didn’t go as far as expected, but it was a change, and drat the coffee shop was closed

7, feels like -7 here all day.

just a thought, i need a scoot spreadsheet

think “scoots” are suspended till new year, aaawww