Job for today, the habitation report on the Moho highlighted the fact that the leisure battery is accepting the correct amount of charge but not storing it so we’ve had to buy a new one.
This is the old one still in situ
I wanted to fit a Lithium battery as an upgrade but the engineer told me the obvious (after all my experience with the leccy bikes) that the charging system was not geared up for that so I have had to go for the next best thing, the old battery is what’s known as a wet unit (lead acid), the new one is known as an AGM unit (absorbent glass mat) but both are extremely heavy. the new one being 24Kgs so, I have got a bit of a wrestling match today
mmmm so techno, and heavy
Worst part about it Max, in the first year, we have never had to rely on the leisure battery coz we’ve always been on “Hook Up” but, you never know if yer goin to end up in the middle of nowhere.
mohoing in nowhere, not good
Apparently it’s “Wild”
need to take the scoot for a wild ride next week when it warms up
Yes, this biting cold has prevented the maiden voyage on the new leccy motorbike
Job Done, no hernias to report
The new Leccy motorbike is still unridden, just two miles on the clock, just noticed the battery is down to 46% capacity and it was charged two weeks ago, the security system and alarms must use some juice.
looked like a one spanner job, easy peasy
and a key to lever that lid off.
Looked for Clarksons farm today, Chipping Norton, right next door, Camping and Caravan Club site, might go there just to ask in person about the celebrity “Who wants to be a millionaire”
ask him about inheritance tax, then stand clear
will do!
A long time ago I mentioned I had a brand new American Fender Stratocaster that didn’t meet the expectation I had had of this model so, Fifty years on I have decided to put one together myself, here is the body and the neck
I am going to use Fender hardware and electrics so we will see how it turns out
Good luck with that. Didn’t Hendrix set fire to his when he’s finished with it?
Not sure about that d00d, one thing I do know though that even in the 70s, the Strats the like of Clapton, Blackmore, etc etc were using weren’t off the shelf, they had been leaned on by some luthier or other.
Only problem I have is I ain’t no Luthier so the finished product will be a bit of an unknown
I hope the neck bolts onto mine that securely!!!