Planes Bikes and Automobiles

One has to resist the instinct to cheapen ones own tread, that’s just not British :grinning:

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I walk my own stoic path. Nothing cheap about my shoes :walking_woman: Full on sketchers, oh yes

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We only have your word for that :+1:

Ex cuse me but where are the others…are they just eve’s dropping on this rather explicit converv

I’ll bring them with me to LickPenny then…I’ll show you lot how to walk proper! :joy:


I’m thinking there is more to this than meets the eye…

YES! oh gosh

Rye is a place we went to a great deal. Cobblestones many of the roads and very olde worlde kind of a place.
We stayed with our little Caravan in a small village called Winchelsea the Site catered for, like us, Touring people like ourselves and static long comfy Caravans for stationary peeps.
It was a site right next to the beach just up steep steps and over and down steps the other side and stony rather than sand beach was there for all to enjoy.
We had used this site for many years and over time the sea edged its way over the land and many properties were drowned…lost forever.
Sad as it was the action the local council took was pretty amazing.
They imported a special type of rock that was attractive and most of all strong. 2nd link shows how many coastal areas not just Eastbourne will be under water if left to it’s own natural course.
One of our Favorite Villages in the Area. Rye,_East_Sussex
Rye, East Sussex - Wikipedia

hope you all have good lawyers

The little Fun Fighter is beginning to take shape, wasn’t there a film, my left foot :smiley:

when you’ve nothing on be careful with the glue

Always got something on, that’s why the build takes so long!

A nice morning out on the Saracen The mileage in electric form is now 1600

The gluing up is all done, tank and engine to go.

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Looks huge! Have you space to store it when its done, but not in use?

That is just a baby Pix, when my son passed his “A” certificate, twenty two years ago, to enable him to fly solo, an earlier version of this was the go to model as a first none trainer plane, its been built as a bit of nostalgia, its the sort of thing that can be flown without too much concentration

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Awww, I love that! Does your son still fly?

The usual happened, relationship, own home, back home, not much flying in the midst of this, yes, he is still a capable flyer but it went by the wayside a bit :frowning_face:

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Aww, I’m sorry…its horrible when life gets in the way of things that make us happy. Still, he’ll never lose the way of it, so when he feels more inclined, the sky’s the limit (as they say!) :joy: :airplane: