Places of Interest

Having been to the USA- Greece- Brazil-China- the Carribean- Italy- Germany-Sicily- Norway
Fareo isles- Iceland - Tunisia- Egypt -around the med.sea -Brittany to name but a few. Some mentioned been more than once

I would like to go to Australia that would be no 1 choice. Doing Portugal this year

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I have always fancied Alaska or Iceland for some reason.

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My BH would like to cruise Antarctica.I’m sure I would enjoy her 'photos when she got back.


Is the picture Caddo Lake? That is high on my list at the moment, it’ll be a drive.

England sounds very interesting.

Zuludog, a lot of good places with castles, museums, villages…etc :slight_smile: I think its great to get around to see places.

The international places were super hopeful ones. I’d like to try the next 2 years to make one happen. In the meantime, similar route, I’ll be visting the good US of A :slight_smile:

I just used a picture I found online to try and illustrate the kind of place I meant. I’m glad you mentioned Caddo Lake, I’d not heard of it before,it looks a terrific place to explore and enjoy…vast!!
The fishing looks great too, not to mention the camping.
I’m not sure how long a drive it is for you but it’s well over a thirteen hour flight from London so I certainly won’t be going in the near future :sob: Good luck if you do decide to visit :+1:

Yep, England’s great too …we have The Norfolk Broads, no gators there…yet! :wink:

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Yes, there are places I have not been to but not many.

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Been to NZ South Island numerous times but never to North Island. Maybe there.

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If I get my nerves up, I might try for it around the 26th. My father took the family there when we were young kids. It’ll be almost 5 hours drive there from Houston. Going somewhere on the 26th. I havent decided where.

It would be nice to get out again soon.

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Yep, it’s good to get out, essential in my opinion, a real tonic! :slightly_smiling_face:

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My belly button.

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My place of interest, currently, is the Suffolk coast, Southwold<>Aldeburgh. I’ve never been there; there are a number of beaches, quiet and unspoilt.

Some of our wee coves are like that, a lot are hidden from the tourists view and are not in any guides. I often have one near me all to myself when out with the dog.


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(or a bit too isolated?)

This is Southwold, I guess the pic was taken in the winter, but it shows no sign of the usual seaside tackiness.


I can’t find my photo of Reiss Beach in Caithness sadly. A beautiful beach but so cold!! That was in July too.

Just google it.
Sinclairs Bay, known locally as Reiss Beach.

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Yes I’ve been to Reiss but it’s over beside Wick, nice beach and it reminded me of Dunnet Beach, the main one this side.

I have family in Wick so I can often be seen sunning myself on Reiss beach…with a sweater on. :wink:

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Grow up around the swamps in Mississippi. You have to take into consideration, mosquitoes, water moccasins, gators and high humidity.


Sounds fascinating, I had to look up water moccasin as I’d never heard of them before. I’ve just seen some pictures on Google of the limbs of some of the unfortunates that had been bitten…ouch!
The only venomous snakes we have here are adders which are rarely fatal although I’ve never been fortunate enough to see one.

As for mosquitoes they seem to favour some people over others, something to do with a certain blood group I think…I’m one of those lucky people! :slightly_frowning_face:

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