Pies, pies and more pies

Not one of you mentioned Sweeney Todd!:shock:

Pie making today

Cheese and onion pie

A beautiful crisp flaky pastry is made and is waiting to be rolled, onions are sweating down, cheese is grated, all ready to go

Please post pic when done … :!:

Please post pie when done 1 Nomcave. :slight_smile:

Missy, that sounds wonderful. My mouth is watering just reading about your pie. :slight_smile:

I might even get time to make a chocolate and reeses cupcake pie but that might have to wait till tomorrow as Ive muffins in at the moment

Say no more Missy, I am on the next flight…be there soon.

I’m a lot nearer and have a much bigger appetite than you. It’ll all be gone long before your 'plane lands!!!