Picture puns quiz 1

12 pictures that represent a phrase or object a bit like dingbats but more detailed.

  1. Dr Pepper
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  1. Nightmare
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6 Pool Table
11 Whole Milk

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10 Ipod

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12 Farrah Fawcett?

  1. Eggplant

Whole milk 11.

Tap Dancers 12.

Nutcase 5.

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  1. Tap dancing
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  1. Eggplant
  2. Dr Pepper
    6 Pool Table
    9 Nightmare
    10 Ipod
    11 Whole Milk
    12 Tap Dancers

correct answers still No1 4 5 7 & 8 left to guess

  1. Lion king

7 Mammoth cups

sorry @RightNow lion king …wrong

look how they are all dressed

7 cups part wrong (think boobies)

  1. Mammoth jugs

  2. Light beer

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!. Light beer
2. Eggplant
3. Dr Pepper
6 Pool Table
7. Mammoth jugs
9 Nightmare
10 Ipod
11 Whole Milk
12 Tap Dancers

correct answers still No4 5 & 8 left to guess

will try help with some clues
4 think of a comic not the Beano
5 made by KP
8 M J was known as this

  1. King of pop
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  1. Lion Boy

ok looks like no one can guess the last 3 needed so will give the answers as got another round to post later
4 think of a comic not the Beano… 4 Dandielions
5 made by KP … 5 a salted peanut
8 M J was known as this … 8 King of pop (@Maver-rik) guessed correctly

A Salted Peanut!
Now that is clever!!

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