Pictogram quiz 5

Pictogram Is To Follow A Sequence Of Pictures And Try To Come Up With A Well Known Phrase, Movie Or Person


4.daily bread

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  1. Back pack
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2 Starlight Express

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  1. Under construction
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6 Video killed the radio star

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  1. Video killed the radio star
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5 People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones

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Yay @Minx think we’ve got them all :+1:

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@Chillie6 we have to wait until the teacher marks it


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  1. Back pack
    2 Starlight Express
    3 Under construction
    4.daily bread
    5 People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones
    6 Video killed the radio star

all guessed correctly well done


:partying_face: yay

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Cheers Feey!

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