Pictogram quiz 42

Pictogram Is To Follow A Sequence Of Pictures And Try To Come Up With A Well Known Phrase, Movie Or Person

3 pop music. that’s my contribution anyway :slight_smile:

6 wouldnt be son of a gun would it?

9 apple rocket i pad ?

8 paper fight ?

1 cold one (beer)

2 - Meg Trainor
5 - Down and out

4 - Boy racer?

i wonder if 7 is blue eyed soul ?

9 - Apple Air Ipad

10 - Not playing with a full deck

2 - Meg Trainor
3 pop music.
5 - Down and out
10 - Not playing with a full deck

only 4 correct answers so far

  1. Apple launch IPad

8.Roll Over

  1. Cross trainer

  2. Kneeling over a barrel

  3. Head over heels

  4. Paper punch

1 back to square one
6 jumping the gun
8 roll with the punches
7 head over heels

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1 back to square one
2 - Meg Trainor
3 pop music.
5 - Down and out
6 jumping the gun
7 head over heels
8 roll with the punches
9. Apple launch IPad
10 - Not playing with a full deck

correct answers just No4 still to guess

4 you have to know the name of the cartoon charactor

4 - Noddy car?

its not Noddy he a nickleodeon charactor

I thought I’d look it up to put everyone out of their misery.
Have you seen how many nickleodeon characters there are ???

heres another photo of him may help you a bit