Pictogram quiz 10

Pictogram Is To Follow A Sequence Of Pictures And Try To Come Up With A Well Known Phrase, Movie Or Person

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  1. House party
  1. I know Dolphins are mammals but Fish n chips?

4 Britney Spears

5 Blue Peter

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  1. Jerry maguire
  1. House party
    2 Fish n chips
    3 Jerry maguire
    4 Britney Spears
    5 Blue Peter

5 correct answers just No6 stil to guess

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6 Friends Reunited


Cheers Feey!

is correct well done just in case anyone was wondering its a dating site online


Thank you Feey, never heard of it

I think it closed down a long time back. I used to belong to it. It was Essentially a site where old friends from schools or the armed forces etc could reconnect. :man_shrugging:t2:

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Thank you
