Photographic shortages

One of the results of covid is the major camera manufactures such as Sony Nikon Canon Panasonic to name a few have had to cut back on production.
First is covid has reduced the work force and second the supply of micro chips are hard to get hold of due as well to covid. How long a delay in getting back into full production I have read it could take up to two years.
So not only existing camera/camcorders are in short supply but also new versions have been put on hold.
I can’t speak about delays in other electrical goods because I have not checked but no doubt the same thing is happening.
Just posted as a heads up if someone is waiting for a new TV-washing machine etc

I went on to a retailer’s web site Friday morning looking for a particular Westinghouse freezer, it was listed as out of stock so I left a message asking when it would be back in stock.

A couple of hours later a girl rang me saying it was actually a discontinued line but they had two at the local store. I ordered one of them, it was delivered yesterday morning (Monday) and is happily purring away in the laundry.

The one it replaces has been running continuously for over 40 years and is on the right.

Sometimes it pays to contact the sellers directly.

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I would like a tv-washing machine. Give you something to do while you wait. Could watch soaps on it.


Oh how I would like to give the top of that other a wipe clean! Hope it’s not rust.

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I am waiting for a new camcorder, even the main UK Panasonic web site doesn’t even have it in stock. So it is on back order with an official Panasonic retailer

I think I just snorted coffee down my nose! :joy:

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It is entirely rust, As I said it is over 40 years old. If the new one lasts as long I will be about 115 years old when I replace it.

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I noticed that as well. A lot of camera’s I have researched lately are currently unavailable. :mask: :mask:

At least the weather is against going out to take videos so no real pressure to get one at the moment. As I said I have one on back order fully paid for in advance. I can always get my money back if it takes too long anyway. Hopefully I will have it before March 4 2022 as that is our golden wedding day . Don’t want to just use my camera video facility if I don’t have to.

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It looks as if my new Panasonic HCV-X1500 is on its way. Had an email yesterday that it had been shipped and just now the memory card came from Amazon so hopefully the camcorder will arrive tomorrow
OK yes I am excited to get it

Why hav e I ordered A panasonic HC-X1500 camcorder when I had a Sony AX-53? first of all the Sony although being a great camera a lot of the functions were taken away from the user and made automatic so very little control of features.

Now this PanasonicHC-X1500 allows the user to set it to suit themselves beikng a basic “pro” camcorder against a consumer camcorder. The list of differences are far too much to post on here from recodring format choices to double card slots- record in 4K at 60 fps or so motion -long battery life to name but a few.

here is a list of what it has to offer

Very impressive no wonder it is hard to get hold of one

Even I wanted to give it a good scrubbing Annie…

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Of course you did, you love a good scrubbing… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :kissing_heart: :rofl:


I’m very fastidious about my personal hygiene Lucy. Bring a sponge…


lol…I think virtual sponge bathing is only conducted in PM hehe :innocent: :woman_health_worker:


there you are as good as new



And then watch it again on twitter and facebook…

Wow, you can be bothered with twitter?! :sweat_smile:

(As for Fb I keep that strictly for family and friends but I have to be honest, I don’t ‘do’ social media at all really)