Pet Owner Receives Mixed Reactions After Revealing Why She Dyes Her Dogs Fur Bright Red

What a beautiful, intelligent looking dog and such lovely colouring too.

Why anyone would want to disguise the natural colour of a dog is beyond me.

Did she say she didn’t do an allergy test?..a simple patch test is all that is needed?

To make sure the dog wasn’t allergic to the dye.

Pauline I don’t like it one little bit, but a patch test would have to be done ever time…The whole thought of doing such a thing to an animal is not acceptable to me…
We can choose whether to dye our hair or even shave it all off, if thats what we wish…
Animals need respect.

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A patch test would have to be done every time his hair was dyed,can’t see a problem with that as long as there was no allergic reaction.

You’ve just voiced your own opinion, …as I voiced mine…it doesn’t bother me as long as the animal doesn’t suffer…that is my opinion as yours is yours.

What about those who dress their dogs up and make them look stupid, each to their own I say…if she wants to cash in on it, no problem…her business.

Excellent post Maree.
She is making a laughing stock out of an innocent animal who has no say in it.

I would also like to know if the ’ safe’ product she professes to use, was intended for repeated use, or whether it was just designed to be a one-off.

I also wonder how safe it is to continually be ingested as he licks his fur.

Stupid, selfish, self-indulgent owner I say. She should make herself look a prat if she wants publicity, not the dog.


I don’t think they can, Silver Tabby? Like dogs, they don’t have receptors for red?

To do this to an animal shows a remarkable lack of empathy and to use the excuse it does no harm opens up a whole can of worms. Are we saying that every and anything is OK if it does not cause harm?
This is sick act, this woman is sick and to be honest anyone who thinks it is OK to treat an animal this way is no better.


You’d be surprised at the amount of owners that do this to their dogs and are a few.

The dogs looked extremely happy running around,:heartpulse:

Another totally nonsense statement.
People that do this to animals not doing it because it is what the animal wants but because of their own selfish and idiotic behaviour, loathsome people.


That’s your opinion, …I see it differently, I think they look cute, no harm or mental health problems caused to the dogs…:+1::+1:

My fav is the last picture, so cute, :heartpulse:

There’s a man round here who puts a (fake) lion mane on his retriever. It looks ridiculous, frankly but he thinks it makes the dog look really tough. :roll_eyes:

Pauline, that cat with the colourful spots on it…has it been shaved? The head and tail look a lot fluffier than its body! It could be a bad picture, but it looks shaved to me.

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I know what you mean, it’s like people dressing their dogs up, and sitting them up at a chair with a knife and fork in front of them, making the animal look stupid, but it doesn’t bother me, each to their own.

I think that cat had been shaved, Its not something that I would do, also I read up about the dye and what it can do to the dogs/ cats…some are safe some are toxic…apparently it was a big thing in China at one time, dying animals to look like zebras and lions…I guess these owners are a bit eccentric/ excessive,/ over the top,/ barmy, who knows, …each to their own…:grinning:…those dogs were darn happy and spoilt pampered pets,:heartpulse:…they looked so cute!!..I loved watching them getting so much attention from the general public, the dogs lapped it up!!:heartpulse:…I also don’t see anything sick about owners doing that!.

Absolutely agree with you Mr. Fraggle.

I would like to see how people reacted if someone did that to a human child?
Would the media then think it was cute, and harmless, when everybody pointed at the kid and laughed, made fun, and took their photo to splash over social media?

Would it be reported to the authorities if this self-indulgent nutter dyed their child’s hair bright orange or green, then dyed their skin with spots and stripes, to make them look like another species like a Chimpanzee or a Poodle?

Why is considered acceptable to do that to anything else who has no say in it, just for their own amusement and publicity?

I kinow this used to go on in certain big grooming competitions, but that doesn’t make it right.