Perth and Western Australia have been subjected to drought conditions

Very little rain has fallen in the previous 8-9 months.
Very noticeable when one looks at the hills surrounding Perth. There are hundreds of dead trees dotting the hillside.
Even in the city surrounds trees are dying.
Here is a picture taken 6 weeks ago at Morley soccer field. The large tree in the distance to the left is nice and healthy. The smaller tree on the left of the larger one is already dead.

Today I photographed the same tree up close, 90% dead.

This is a close up photo of the dead tree on the left in the first photo from another angle.

Less than 100 metres away is this very healthy Lemon Scented Gum Tree (Corymbia citriodora) full of new seed pods. Thousands of them

Immature seed pods before flowering

Given the density of the flower seed pods, I wonder how many pods are on this particular tree? Definitely more than ten thousand.

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Trees can almost seem to know they are in trouble and invest the strength they have left into ensuring future trees are produced by being more fruitful.

(Paragraph 5)

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Personally I like drought though not so keen on the water restrictions that go with it. The Millennium Drought was wonderful, little grass mowing, lots of sunshine. What’s not to like?

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