Pedestrians versus Cyclists - Who's to Blame?

You’re right Anise, they are a menace and give us a bad name.

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I’ve yet to see any statement from an entitled cyclist in these recent posts. Nor any claim that everyone but cyclists are idiots. Perhaps you could highlight the words that made you think what you wrote?

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I think you’ve misunderstood L.
‘Amongst us’ meaning cyclists in general - not any cyclist specifically on this site, or any who have posted so far.

There is no speed limit applied to cyclists. This wasn’t a problem in the past but now we have e-cycles which can be fiddled with, e-cyclists and also e-scooterists can go at great speed. They are much quieter than cars and can be much faster than cars (as they can navigate speed bumps and don’t have to worry about a speeding ticket).

Motorists have the same issue to deal with. We live in a country where an accident is hardly ever the pedestrian’s fault so we have to watch out for pedestrian actions. This is not the case in many other countries where pedestrians can be fined for walking out into the road. Both cars and cycles go faster than a pedestrian and have brakes. Cyclists are meant to use their bell well in advance. I hardly ever hear one doing so.

Soz, clear misunderstanding (winds neck back in)

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The bell is OK but I’ve found that ringing it can annoy people (if the look on their faces is anything to go by). It’s maybe like saying, “Move aside or wait, I’m coming through!”. It can also make people jump which equally upsets them. Can’t please people sometimes.

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I’m destined to remain a pedestrian. I still can’t ride a :bike:

I am courteous to :bike: though…

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The way I deal with that one Mart is as soon as eye contact is made just acknowledge with smile, nod and thanks. It’s worked for me so far although I probably shouldn’t tempt fate.


Making the presence known when approaching pedestrians from behind is more the problem. A bike that rattles helps …or just wait until a wide space crops up to move past. A clear of the throat or a sniff can work. :slight_smile:


perhaps someone should invent an electronic one that says “excuse me please” and “thank you, have a lovely day” after


Yes, certainly room for an invention there. :slight_smile:

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Yeah, or very clumsily and noisily changing gear! :wink:

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I believe people are more grateful than you think they are.
I cycle, but more often i am a pedestrian as i walk a lot to keep fit.
Our pavements are dual purpose with no specific markings for either cyclists or pedestrians, and sadly i rarely hear a bell as they wizz past me.

I am always grateful when the odd person (usually a young person) rings the bell to warn me.
You can imagine people don’t like it, but i think you’ll find they are grateful.

I’ve been a cyclist for many adult years and reckon I can judge most feelings or situations fairly well. Some grateful for the bell (I have a single ‘ding’ one) but some aren’t. I tend not to use it unless I have to.

A bit academic for me now anyway I suppose. I’m grounded for the foreseeable (health reasons).

I find the regular bells annoying, but some of the electronic ones would be preferable. There’s one with a clown horn sound that seems a bit more fun and might have more favourable reactions. There’s a cheer and clap sound effect on this link which would be great.

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Yes me too mart.
Also I find that some pedestrians look disgruntled , especially when a cyclist is on a pavement they shouldn’t actually be on!

I really don’t think so Annie, guaranteed to get the cyclist a red nose and I don’t mean in a jolly circus kind of way! :wink: :clown_face:


God forbid cyclists get “Horny” again


I think we have seen the end of the Bell!! :smile:


I almost bought one of those from ‘The Range’ Spitty, good for alerting all the potential Auriol Grey’s one might have the miss-fortune to meet while out cycling.
I don’t really have that problem though. I never cycle on footpaths, and I go out very early in the morning, and stick mainly to deserted country roads where the only pedestrians I might meet are disgruntled hedgehogs, the occasional rabbit, or squirrels that never made the crossing in the path of a careless driver… Oh! and I gave chase to a deer once, only to take the photo but he was too fast for me…
Didn’t know you were a cyclist Lincs? Good on yer… :+1: