Pavers - shoes for comfort and style

Purchased slippers, shoes and sandals, all very comfortable. Prices are high but worth it.

i get a lot of Pavers , in the last month , 2 pair of sandals, 1 pair of shoes and a pair of Boots.All in the sales

It’s worth looking out for reductions on them, you get some good ones and they’re very comfortable

Unfortunately, the men’s sizing stops at 13 when I need 14-15 depending on fit.

Blinkin heck LD… ,them are BIG feet :slight_smile:

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Iza big guy or rather I was until I lost an age related inch. At my tallest I was 6’ 6" in my bare feet. Mrs LD is now only 4’ 8"

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Oh my goodness, that’s a big difference :rofl:

My husband is over a foot taller than me but it’s OK because I just stand on a box when I need to slap him :raised_hand::raised_hand::raised_hand::raised_hand:


You must be taking instructions from the Mr Fox book of housewiffery…

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A slap not too forceful… :wink:

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You know what they say about men with big feet, .… big socks!


Yes I heard that they make very good swimmers Cinders…

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