Passwords - Make yourself the safest on the Web!

Lots of Users, including me, have used bad, or useless Passwords, over the years.

Many of us have learned, the hard way, about that!

There are those who use very simple passwords, combined numbers and letters, three words, four words, you name it!

Is there a set of unbiased advice on passwords, how they work, how they get cracked & stolen. etc.?

The best I’ve seen is this guy!

Passwords: Using 3 Random Words Is A Really Bad Idea! (

I helps if you like mathematics, because it spells out what the chances are with our chosen methods.

But you don’t have to be a mathematician to get the message. To learn what not to do, & why!

Remember, the scammers have powerful machines (called computers) which can try permutations of nearly everything!

Why not have a look?


I use Keepass to store all my passwords and let it generate passwords randomly. I never have to remember them as Keepass is available for all my devices (Windows or Android) and I share it using either Dropbox or Onedrive

That is an interesting link - thank you, Tedc

I have mostly used - number + word (mixed upper/lower case) + number + symbol
and thought it was reasonably safe. May have to think again!

Don’t know what ‘dropbox’ is - but would not trust Onedrive (aka the cloud) at all, Bruce, but then I am not the most techno aware person.

The file is encrypted so It is not readable even to our masters at M$ very easily. I don’t think it can be hacked except on your own computer when you are reading it when obviously it has to be in plain text. I think it has 256 bit encryption which would take even the NSA a long time to decypher.

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Ah - that’s good to know. Thank you, Bruce.

I use ‘password pig’. Doesn’t generate passwords but lets me store all mine and any other secret stuff. And I can access it from my pc, mac or phone.