Pamplona bull run

I have just watched a short video on the news about the Pamplona bull run in Spain.

I have never seen so many complete and utter idiots in one place all at once, and cruel idiots at that with their continual taunting of the animals. It is difficult sometimes to understand the mentality, not just of those involved on the streets but also those who allow it and also condone it.

Personally I cheer every time someone is gored and just wish many more were. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Me too.
Cruel morons


It’s disgusting

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It’s time this barbaric practice was banned - way past time.
It is unnecessary and cruel.


The Spaniards seem to have a strange relationship with bulls,they seem to admire their strength and power but enjoy abusing them too.

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I agree…disgusting!

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I too enjoy seeing the bull gore a total vile cretin.
Barbaric springs to mind.


I suppose we might be shocked to find out how many Brits attend…

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Hare coursing is still occurring here even though it is illegal. Dog and Cock fighting rings also seem to occur too. Anywhere money can be gambled away from the public gaze, the illegal ‘sports’ will always take place🤬

you missed out Badger baiting and snaring rabbits

Badgers in my part of the land are no longer around due to the very heavy cull and all the farm land bunnies are hunted with Jack Russell dogs. The only wild things seen regularly now are squirrels and those mad attack birds, Gulls.

Jack Russels are amazing, but really too big to go down the rabbit holes
they use ferrets for that, Jack Russels are for ratting…

And chasing postmen and runners. Fortunately I’ve always been able to outrun a Jack Russell until now…
Dog Bite
I haven’t tried a bull…

when i first went to India with my last wife, she watched me put on a pair of trainers and asked if i was going jogging? i pointed out that there were tigers in India, she smirked and asked if i expected to out-run a tiger?.. i pointed out i didnt need to outrun the tiger…but still we parted amicable, that was almost twenty years ago, and we havent spoken since…

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I think we should nominate someone to go on the Bull Run compulsorily. My choice would be that sanctimonious arsehole Gary Lineker. I just hope he gets plenty of whacks up his back end! :rage: :angry:


I’ll second that @John ,and I could think of a few more to join him too… :laughing:


Not in my area. JR’s are used to find them then drive them into their holes/warrens and then the dog owners dig the rabbits out.

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to be sure they must be trainees, rabbiters generally block most of the holes then set purse nets over the others ,then send in missus Ferret then as the rabbits hit the net escaping the ferret they get ‘necked’…not by me ladies… :joy:

Spot on Barry! I’ll sling in Starmer & Schofield as well! :cowboy_hat_face: :partying_face:

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Just a little ironic perhaps, condemning a cruel practice and then enthusing about which celebrities should be involved :wink:

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