Paid to be a Gull Yeller?

Ahhhh, :thinking: We don’t do banks Tezza, clouds are our speciality but if you have a word with Maree our business manager I am sure she will be able to arrange an easy payment plan. On the other hand, failure to pay could lead to a visit from Vlad Friendly Bailiffs Service. (Clients can decide which limbs they don’t want broken ) Inc, a Vlad Enterprises Co.

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Come off it, matey, that’s £100 quid cash now or a six month payment plan @£50 quid a month, total £300 quid. Ta very much for your expeditious payment

Or Vlad comes round and yells at your pets, small children and postman, plus any emergency services trying to assist you with with that dislocated kneecap that accidentally occurred and the ensuing fire in your sitting room……

Where do I sign. :woozy_face:

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I’ve had a couple more enquiries. Do we do Carol singers and the Women’s Institute?

Good lad, you know it makes sense….

But no names, no pack drill :zipper_mouth_face::wink:

Damn! I love the cut of your jib, consider the payment from our reluctant payee a Christmas bonus, I am also forwarding to you the spare keys to the company penthouse. I have changed the sheets.

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Is there any money innit?

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For a bit of bonus, is there any chance you could pop down to my part of the world and have a shout at the Chanel . Might help solve a small problem. Nudge nudge :eyes:

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Yup, they’re offering £20 per carol singer you shift off the doorstep and a grand to clear the WI Christmas Fayre………

You might be onto something there. Has anyone tried yelling “Go away!” really loudly?

Wow, I’m there, free electricity, Better than playing Scrabble with Mad Martha in the free warm room in the library

My dog does a magnificent job of lifting flocks of gulls crows Canadian & Brent geese …. I tend to keep him on a leash this time of year.

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I do much the same with Vlad! :rofl:

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[quote=“Maree, post:33, topic:94744, full:true”]

I do much the same with Vlad! :rofl:

Very wise :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Make it so Maree, pencil a 25% kick back to your good self, the remainder to charity, The Vlad Foundation for Unwed Mothers.

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Bill him for the advice there…contact RNLI taxi services, tell them we can do a pair of yellers at the front of there boats


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Gull Yeller?
Wasn’t he that bloke on the telly that bent spoons?


Maybe, you watch some very strange telly ……

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