Oxford in the 1920s

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I wonder if anyone here can recognize places.I’ve only been to Oxford once and that was to a football ground which seemed miles away from the town.


Well I can certainly remember the stadium and the seemingly endless bus journey to get there, it was plonked right in the middle of a housing estate!


I’ve been to Oxford in recent years. Interesting to see a video of the way of life and fashions of the day. One thing that did grab me apart from that. All the buildings looked so black in the 1920s compared to the clean look they have today.

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I went to Oxford while I was attending courses at Leafield Radio Station. My Morris van used to buzz while it was there because it picked up the radio signals transmitted at very low frequencies at very high power (they had their own power station) - I was told it was for submarines and the frequency was 19khz ie in the audio range. The aerial was massive - kms long - strung from tall pylons.

Well, that’s exhausted my knowledge of Oxford. I doubt it is in use now in the day of satellites (the radio station, not Oxford)

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Intriguing! I suppose that it is about the time of early Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh. Seems like you could walk right into it! No multi storey car parks though.

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Fabulous! Thank you for sharing.

We talk about what an age of technology we live in, but there is an impressive number of inventions and improvements in this photo that were less than a few decades old.

And can we please bring back the flow drop-waist linen dresses? They were flattering on everyone.

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