Owen Paterson: Boris Johnson backs shake-up of MP standards rules

The report I’ve linked is Paterson’s appearance and interview before the committee.

This report contains written evidence, both from and to Mr. Paterson:


It’s 333 pages long.

This is the final report:


House of Commons
Committee on Standards
Mr Owen Paterson
Third Report of Session 2021–22

It’s 173 pages long, containing hundreds of statements from Mr Paterson.

Let’s cut to the chase Omah. This is not about whether he did or didn’t say this or that, or whether even be is guilty of not. It’s about a system that is unfit for purpose. A system that is presently being abused. The seed of this debacle was planted by the Guardian and used as a stick to beat the government. Now the left an the left wing media and Labour take up the cry with sleaze despite the fact that many Labour MPs have gone the same route.
When MPs voted for this system they took the line of least resistance and look where it got them. I would be interested to here your own personal opinion instead of all these endless quotes. Let’s have a look at the man. It may save much scaffolding on the net.


“You might think that; I couldn’t possibly comment.”

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Apologies yet again, this time for the last line of my last post. The word scaffolding should have read searching. Damn this predictive text. My fault for not checking. :frowning_face:

The Liberal Democrat-led debate will look again at how the system needs to be reformed. The party is proposing an independent inquiry and calling for stricter punishments for MPs who break the rules.

Chair of the Commons Select Committee on Standards, Labour MP Chris Bryant, told BBC Breakfast he wants to see a “proper and robust system of standards”.

“The majority of us went into politics to make the world better,” he said. “We have to decide it was inappropriate behaviour. I believe in Parliament and the ability to change things.”

Monday’s debate will last for up to three hours.

Liberal Democrat chief whip Wendy Chamberlain said: “We need to make sure those with a vested interest in tearing up Parliament’s anti-sleaze rules don’t have the power to do so. Time and again government ministers have refused to properly investigate allegations of sleaze, failed to declare relevant meetings and donations, and tried to rig the system to cover their own backs.”

BIB That’s BJ and cronies to a T … :+1:

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Are you not concerned about a system that is able to convict people of wrong doing without taking up evidence, a process which has no appeal? The reason that Labour and The Lib Dems want the system to stay because judging from its track record Labour have received more lenient treatment than the Conservatives. the Committee’s own chairman Chris Bryant has received very lenient treatment from them in the past.
The current Leader of the Labour party tried to manipulate Parliament to try to prevent us leaving the EU. Before opening his mouth he needs to remember his own transgressions.

I preferred the scaffolding … give most of them enough rope etc etc :wink::point_right::grin::ok_hand:


The lobbying system doesnt need reforming,
It needs discontinuing !!
It serves no purpose in parliament’s functioning ??
Donkeyman! :-1::-1:

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