Over 50's Club Scotland

Afternoon, cold but dry here, been out most of the morning, Took an early a walk in Dunnet Forest, taking note of where fallen trees are so Dunc could take the chainsaw to them and load the trailer. I took a big carrier bag with me to fill with fallen pine cones, they make great fire lighters when their dried out. Nice pine smell comes from the fire too.
Usually do this over the summer, but no Dageus no forest walks.

Morning. Turned out sunny here yesterday and managed to sweep up some of the leaves and pull out some weeds. Went out for dinner last night and enjoyed it, no cooking for me. Going shopping later for a few things I need. It must be lovely having a log fire and the smell of pine cones burning.

Morning, Sun and showers here this morning, but it’s a really cold wind. Been to the pool, been to the front, and need to hop over to Wick for the big shop, but not in the mood at the moment, maybe after lunch. Feelin more than a bit lazy these days for some reason.
Your right the room smells nice with the pine cones, I’d never heard of this until Dunc gave me a carrier bag one day when I was going to the forest with Dageus, asked me to fill it with fallen pine cones, then he explained why and after that I always gathered them each time we walked the forest.

Morning. No sun here yet but it looks like a cold wind out there. Its my friends birthday this week so I’ll have to post her card later. Started rearranging a cupboard yesterday and throwing some things out that I don’t use. I’m starting to feel a bit lazy as well, I think its to do with this weather.

Morning, Not going out again today it’s too blooming cold :worried: I hate this time of the year, clocks go back bringing in the dark days then winter hits :cold_face:
Like you I’d decided to do a cupboard/wardrobe clear out and get all the stuff we no longer wear to a Charity Shop or the tip for recycling.

Morning. A bit cold here this morning but the washing is out on the line. Got bags ready for the Charity shop, my niece will pick them up in the morning. Got some things to pick up in Renfrew then try and get out in the garden again for a little while.

Morning, Cold here today been shivering all morning. Heading to the huge Tesco in Wick later. Might take a flask for after and drink it at the Pilot House over looking the Harbour. They get some really big waves there and I used to sit with Dageus watching after our walk. It’s sheltered there too so you can sit even if it’s raining and stay dry. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Morning. It was cold and foggy here yesterday morning then the sun came out. Wen to the charity shop with my niece and went for lunch, then some shopping. Hairdressers later then over to M&S to take back a pair of jeans. That looks a lovely place to sit and have a coffee,

Evening, Not too bad a day here, cold but dry. Apart from the pool I’ve been home all day just faffing about looking for things that need to be done.

Morning. Doesn’t look to bad here this morning, not sure what to get up today. Took the jeans back to M&S yesterday plus another pair of trousers. Went to Primark and bought some new pyjamas and a few other things. Have a good weekend.

Morning, Not long up, cold and dark here this morning. We are heading over to the Garden Centre shortly as I need a couple of bags of compost, my tubs need a top up. Also want to see what if any Winter Plants for the tubs are in yet.