Over 50's Club Scotland

Morning, Back to heavy rain again, was dry when I went to the pool and had my latte, started to drizzle when I was out with the dog, then the heavens opened and the pair of us got drenchedā€¦ Again. :rage:
Was going over to Wick for the big stock up at their Tesco but that can wait till another day.
Have a good visit with your friend.

Good evening. Didnā€™t visit my friend yesterday went today instead. She doesnā€™t get out very much these days , we still meet up for lunch for birthdays and Christmas.Didnā€™t do very much today as Iā€™m trying to finish a baby hat.

Evening, Been another wet day, had my swim and went for my eye test. Hate getting that done as I always end up getting 2 lots of eye drops and my vision goes haywire for ages after.
Just messed about here as it was too wet to be outside, tomorrowā€™s meant to be the same, gawd this weather is awful.

Morning. I hate getting eyedrops put in for an eyetest. Off to Paris this morning for the weekend looking forward to it.

Goddddd, Will this ruddy rain EVER STOP? :astonished::cry::anguished:.
Have a nice trip Jess, hope itā€™s not raining there too.

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Rain Rain GO AWAY, and DONā€™T come back another day. :rage::rage::rage:

Hi Rox back home again. Unfortuneately we had a few heavy showers, we had to a brolly. Enjoyed the time we spent there but glad to get home again.

Morning Jess, You got back just in time for the next storm to arrive. This is crazy stuff, according to the weatherman up here is to have snow on the mountains in the next 24 hours, well, as long as it stays up there thatā€™s fine.
No pool this morning too much to do here and Iā€™m meeting my girlfriends for lunch.
Have a nice day.

Morning Rox. I seen something about another storm, hope we donā€™t get it down here. Washing on its suppose to be sunny here this morning so Iā€™ll hang it out for a little while. Enjoy your lunch later with your girlfriends.

Morning, Lordy Lou more blooming rain, itā€™s never ending. Everything is flooded here and several roads shut. Thankfully the hairy one seems in no hurry to move off the couch and go out, suits me fine. Nothing on today except bits n bobs around the house.
I see the Yobs were out for Halloween in Dundee last nightā€¦Little Brats.

Afternoon. Weather not to bad here today, hd my nephew round yesterday giving the hedge a last cut. Been raking up leaves in the garden, then thereā€™s more come down. Some shopping and then home again. I seen them on the news last night, its time they banned fireworks being sold to idiots.

Evening Jess, Been a nice enough day here the windā€™s been drying the place up. Nothing special just the pool, walking with the hairy one and a tidy-up in the greenhouse. Will be heading back to Perth later next week as I want to be there when the fence is built.
Have a nice Weekend.

Good morning. Didnā€™t do much myself yesterday apart from going to the hairdressers and the local shops. Out for dinner last night with my niece who treated me as she sold her house yesterday. Going to buy a new iron today and a few other bits of shopping.

Morning, Been away for a very misty walk with the dog and soon heading over to Wick to get a big shop done and get stocked up for Dunc as heā€™s not coming to Perth with me. Had a text from my fence guys to say they will be dropping off materials in the next couple of days. I canā€™t wait for that fence to go up.

Rox good news about the fence. It makes a big difference once its up. Just getting ready to go out to the shops.

Morning, Nice here this morning the sunā€™s out in a cloudless sky. We are going to take the Clydeā€™s away to the beach for a gallop and paddle. If itā€™s still nice this afternoon then thereā€™s a bit of pruning back to be done and some weeding.

Good morning. Weather is the same here today. Enjoy the trip to the beach and the gallop on the Clydes. Iā€™ve been out raking up leaves all week so will go out later when its a bit warmer and do some more.

Morning, Another nice day here, got a good bit done outside yesterday but more leaves have fallen so Iā€™ll have to rake them up today. Spending a couple of days filling the freezer with meals from the Slow Cooker for Dunc for when Iā€™m back down in Perth, be leaving Wed/Thurs.
My pal went to the fireworks with her grandaughter and got 2 for 1, Fireworks plus The Aurora. Kind of sad I missed it it would have been great to see. She sent me a couple of photos from her phone.

Good evening. A bit cloudy here today then the sun came out at lunchtime. Met up with friends today for coffee and a chat. Iā€™ll have to get out and rake up some more leaves. Cant remember the last time I went to a bonfire or fireworks display.