Over 50's Club Scotland (Part 1)

Good morning snowing here at the moment but I don’t think it will lie. Hairdressers later then tonight a cheese and wine party with the neighbours at the Green Shutters.

Good Morning Each,still freezing here and the paths,pavements are icy so staying put until it’s safer to go walking later…Hope You enjoyed Your party Jessie.

Good morning :slight_smile:

Snow here too … :frowning:

Good morning everyone . No snow here but it’s wild and windy . Lots of really heavy showers . Not much much planned for today , might just have a quiet day .

Afternoon You lovely People…just back from My walk and it’s bitterly cold…too cold for more snow Methinks…but I love it as it’s so much better than the miserable rain which affects the old arthritis more…keep warm and cozy Folks,

Good evening everybody. Had a lovely time last night chatting to all the neighbours and having a glass of wine. Cold and windy here today as well was glad to get home from the shops.

Good Morning Each,a cold bright frosty one here but not as bitter as Yesterday…have a good weekend all.x

Good morning :slight_smile:

The snow’s melted now so panic over for the time being :lol:

Good Morning Each,back to the miserable rain again…yuck!..give Me the snow any day.

Good morning :slight_smile:

It’s drizzly rain here too :frowning:

Good morning everybody been raining here earlier. Going out to the shops and then take it easy this afternoon.

Good Morning Each,not a bad one here bright and dry …so far…shopping and library for Me now,see Ya All later.x

Good morning from foggy Macclesfield :frowning:

I’m dancing this afternoon … but only if the fog clears … otherwise a duvet day :lol:

Good evening the usual Monday hairdressers then into town for some food shopping.

Afternoon Each,a mild one here and the heating is off for the time being…been exercising every day and feeling a bit fitter now the horrible virus has finally gone…won’t be long 'til Spring :cool:

Hello from me too :039:

It’s been a dull but mild day here up to 3PM when the temperature suddenly dropped.

Had a couple of hours in town wandering around before picking granddaughter up from school and then taking her to her ballet/tap class.

A lazy evening planned for me :slight_smile:

Hello everyone . Will be glad when January is over and we start getting more light .
Very mild weather here , got the gardening started . Just some tidying up .

Quite mild here today. Met my niece and her daughter today for lunch then some food shopping.

Good Morning Each,dry at the moment…Son coming later to collect His weekly homemade dinners which I freeze for Him,that way I know He’s eating at least one healthy nutritious meal a day…:-p…One of His Mates Son has just been diagnosed with brain cancer the poor Boy,how any Parent deals with news like that I don’t know.

Good morning everybody. May so sorry to hear about your son’s friend has brain cancer, as you say how does a parent cope with that news. Staying home today and doing some cooking myself.