Over 50's Club Scotland (Part 1)

Jess this was taken in front of my home a while back. Burn was at it’s usual level but you can see how open it is and how close to the houses. So easy to burst over the banks and into the road, especially when the water starts pouring down off the hills.

Rox that certainly is some stream of water. Raining here tonight and I hope it doesn’t last long. The roofer called tonight and they will be here between 8 and 8 30. Jean I’ll be joining you tomorrow in an early rise.

Good afternoon. So sad today at the death of the Queen. I was three and a half at her coronation and it is my very first memory.
I see she is going to St Giles. I hope to go through there.
RIP we won’t see your like again.

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Don’t forget you can view our mini-forum for Scotland here: Scotland Forum | Over 50s Chat (over time as more threads about Scotland are posted here they will show up there, and when search engines index the forum it will mean more people searching for ‘over 50s in Scotland’ will be more likely to spot the forum… and… hopefully… register and join in with you all :003:)


Afternoon, Not too bad weather wise, got the washing dried so that was good. Got the Slow Cooker on, doing Beef n Onion with those wee button mushrooms mixed through, we have it served with white boiled rice. Made plenty so there will be some extra for the freezer.
Been thinking about heading down to Perth for a while, I’m so restless and fed up just now, and my temper is on the boil with several people, I’m finding it hard to keep my mouth shut. :zipper_mouth_face: Might be better if I was on my own to brood. :slightly_frowning_face:
Got the final vet appointment with the Hairy One first though.

Good evening, after a miserable start to the day the sun is out. Jean my first memory of Queen’s Coronation was at my aunt’s. All the other aunts had been up the night before making sandwich’s for the Coronation for everybody. Rox enjoy your break if you decide to get away, your meal sounds delicious.

It was thank you Jess. We both love beef and onions but I can make 6/7 big portions of it in the slow cooker for less than it costs for 2 portions of it out of the Chinese Chippie.
Still drying up here, thank goodness as I hate squelchy ground. Heading to bed now, am tired and a bit bored with all the repeated stuff about the Queen on the telly. I expected it yesterday but had enough of it now.

Good morning. Sun is out and we have blue skies here this morning. Rox I’ve never used a slow cooker, have one in the cupboard but never used it. A bit of gardening and then a trip to the shops later this afternoon.

Good morning! What a lovely day it is! I’m going into town to wander about and sit with coffee and pretend that everything is completely normal for a while! :joy: I quite fancy picking up some wool to start knitting or crochet…I always get like this round about now with the cooler weather coming in. I was looking online and it seems quite expensive, so I might think about using something other than wool.

Other than that I have no plans. I hope everyone enjoys their day!

Morning, Nice start here as well, hope it stays like it. Heading over to Wick to meet up with my girlfriends for some shopping and lunch. Walked The Hairy One and he’s got his bounce back. Vet on Monday Morning.
Jess I use my slow cooker all the time, great if your going to be away all day, chuck in the meat n veg leave it on low, then a nice hot meal is waiting for you when you return. I have a big book of slow cooker receipes and they are always for 4 or 6 meals so I get to fill the freezer too.
Have a nice day.

Good afternoon. Pixie you don’t have to pay a fortune for wool, some Charity shops stock wool if you have a look round. Been clearing out drawers of stuff I no longer need. Plastic hangers also going in the bin.

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Hi Jess, thanks for that suggestion. I wouldn’t get any from there to be honest…not a fan of them nowadays. I haven’t managed to pick any up yet, but I’ll keep looking. Even the poundshop doesn’t have any, which surprised me!

I buy all my wool from Ebay, it’s not too expensive if you take time and check the places. Often charitys sell new wool and they are very reasonable.

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Oh thanks Rox, never thought of checking Ebay :thinking:

Good morning. Had my niece, her daughter and two great grandaughter’s down last night, all nice and peaceful now they.ve gone home. Going out for lunch with some of the Social group later.

Morning, Dry here today, walked The Hairy One and he enjoyed a longer walk this morning. Having a quiet day at home now, probably potter about in the garden later if the mood takes me.

Good morning, looks like it is going to be dry here today. More clearing out of drawers and cupboards today, then some food shopping later.

Morning Jess and all who follow. You are a busy bee these days with your clearing out and shredding. I should take a leaf out of your book.
I am sitting waiting by the phone for 9am when I can phone my dentist. I have broken a tooth at the weekend and it is ripping my gum and inside my cheek. Hope I can get an appointment.

Jean I’ll send you some of my energy. Hope you manage to get an emergency appointment. Sun is trying to come out so washing machine is on.

Afternoon Each,not a bad one here and rain has stayed away to let Me lop off hanging branches on trees and prune some large shrubs…getting as much done in the garden now as I won’t be able to do anything heavy once I get My cataract op’ next week.
Enjoy Your day All,x