Over 50's Club Scotland (Part 1)

Have a good time Jess, Bonnie where did your Name come from if Jean’s your name? :face_with_hand_over_mouth: I find it really strange/funny as Bonnie is the name of the Clydesdale I use. Himself named them Bonnie n Clyde. :rofl: I exercise Bonnie as she’s the smaller one.

Hi Rox Bonnie was my wee dog. She lived til she was 14 so when I joined sagazone yonks ago I took the name Bonnie 14. She was a wee smasher. A wee mongrel mostly bearded collie. I met Jess and May on that site and we met up for meals and wee trips over the years, it was sad when it finished. Sometimes we would have 20 or 30 people from all over Scotland at a meet. Jess was Merlot Jess (wonder why lol!) May was Maybtomorrow I think. A few of us still meet up. Still trying to persuade May to join us. We should meet if you ever come Glasgow way. Scot was on .saga too. People came from Aberdeen, Edinburgh Peebles Inverness etc and they would stay over. Bet now wish you hadn’t asked now lol!

Sounds like a good time, Glasgow is way to far for me, over 300 miles. I used to come to Glasgow back in the 90s when I was still teaching the Linedancing, and before I started spending so much time up North. A group of us would come to the Country Clubs for the live music and Linedance, it was great to be able to relax into dancing without a mic in my hand calling out the steps ect. lol. Also there were a couple of places that sold fabby Linedance clothes so I would like a rake around them about once a month.They were up near Ingram St.

Good evening. Enjoyed my lunch today with Jean and a few others. Her birthday was the 10th of July, so this was the first chance we had to meet up. Jean we certainly did have great times on Saga, before it was closed down. Rox I remember you telling us before you liked Linedancing, and getting clothes near Ingram Street. We had a few Linedancer’s on Saga and a few who did belly dancing. Out to the pub tonight with the Social group.

Oh for heavens sake, not more bloody strikes. :rage: This is just what we need…NOT. :rage: With rubbish piling up there will be rats arriving, along with the seagulls who already love to rip into the bins and strew it everywhere. :rage: :rage: :rage:

Council workers in Scotland vote for strike action - BBC News

Haven’t heard anything yet about strikes. After living here for 19 years I was the victim of a seagull. Bought a roll and a carton of soup, sat down to eat it took a bit of roll out of the bag and it was snatched by a seagull. I cursed the thing then flung the soup in the bin… Washing on and the fridge is unplugged, so housework for me today.

I saw on the news that binmen are going to strike!
Washing on here too. Washed all day yesterday so a pile of ironing for me today. Hate ironing but once I get started it isn’t so bad. So need to put this iPad away and get to it.
Have a nice day everyone

I will be staying here but working outside, waiting for a parcel to be delivered. Should have come yesterday but didn’t, couriers up here can be a damn pest.
Jess the seagulls here are lethal, some of them wait on the school roof and then dive at the kids when they come out at break, they’re after any food or sweets they can get a hold of. I saw one wee girl a few months back screaming her head off, she had one grabbing her hair. First thing in the mornings the park is strewn with rubbish they’ve pulled out of the bins, it’s everywhere and they are in the middle of it. I see it every morning when I’m at the pool car park. Horrible birds, I loathe them.
Enjoy your day ladies.

Rox, * hate them as well, they pull all the bags out of the bins here as well. A few people have been attacked for food. Second lot of washing on, freezer plugged in again, even tidied up the back garden. Jean do you want to do my ironing. Going out for a walk and get a few things at the shops.

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I’ve got 2 ropes of washing out and picked a load of tomatoes from the greenhouse, watered everything and having a wee break from weeding and cutting back.
Still no parcel, am getting totally hacked off with this firm of unreliable idiots.

No thanks Jess lol! I do mine and I do my Son’s as well. All done now thank goodness. Even the stuff that was on the line today . Changing beds tomorrow so on we go again!
Love getting my clothes out and dried. Smells so fresh so can’t complain these days.

Rox thank goodness I don’t order things online. Only kidding Jean about the ironing, I still have some to get ironed. I love getting clothes and bedding dried outside, it always so fresh.

I alway dry outside if possible. Even in the Winter if the sun comes out I’ll stick towels on the ropes, I know they won’t dry but it freshens then up.

Good afternoon. More washing on the line and vacuuming all done and dusted. Window cleaner was here so I’ll put my feet up for ten minutes.

I put the bedding out but rain came on so had to put it in the drier. My Daughter and the children are coming this afternoon. It is her wedding anniversary today 9 years ago today. They are going out to dinner on Saturday night as her husband is working tonight. I will go up and watch the children. Can’t believe it is 9 years.
You are doing a power of work Jess. Wish I had your energy!
Enjoy your day everyone

Jean its hard to believe that its nine years ago since the wedding. Wish them both a Happy Anniversary please. It was just throws for the couch’s that I washed, there was a spit of rain so I brought them in they’re almost dry. Just back from the shops so going to have a wee nap.

Morning, Dry and muggy here this morning. Got a surprise last evening, my son, daughter and one of the grands arrived unexpectedly. They decided to come up for my birthday tomorrow and we’re all off out for a nice dinner in the evening to celebrate.
What we’re doing today and tomorrow I don’t know yet it’s up to them, but I suspect Smoo Cave and Strathy Beach will be getting a visit.
Have a nice day.

Rox, what a lovely surprise your family coming up for your Birthday. Have a Happy Birthday tomorrow ehn it comes. Turned a nice warm day here, the usual Friday for me hairdressers then some food shopping.

Morning, Sun’s winking in and out but the wind chill is a pain. Not sure what we’re doing today yet, but out for dinner tonight,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROX. :partying_face: :partying_face:. Enjoy dinner tonight with your family. Grey skies here at the moment. Some housework then out for a walk later.

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