Over 50's Club Scotland (Part 1)

Morning, Boy it’s getting a wee bit wild outside, wind’s fair got up since I got back with the dog. Popped round to the front after getting a few bits n bobs at Tesco. I often sit on this bench and drink my take away latte after doing whatever in town, but not even getting out of the car, never mind sitting on the bench.We’ve got all the animals under cover and secured stuff that might blow away. All we can do now is wait for it to pass and hope there’s no/little damage.

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We haven’t had snow or sleet yet, Rox but icy rain and very windy and slippy underfoot. Heating on full blast now just relaxing by the telly.
Everyone keep safe and warm .

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After lunch I’m having a few hours with my online jigsaw, in the middle of a really hard begger just now. Been pluttering about with it for a while, but I’m determind to finish it. I downloaded a collection of six new Victorian Detective audio books so I’ll be starting the first one of those while I work.
Himself is going to be catching up with some stuff he recorded on the Telly.

Spoke too soon. Icy rain turned to sleet then snow! So glad we didn’t venture into Glasgow Jess.
I haven’t tried online jigsaws Roxy but Jess is a fan. Doing a Christmas one just now I got a present of 4 1000 piece jigs last Christmas but only did 3 of them last year. Watch this space will post it if I manage it!

Oh Goodness, it’s only just past 2pm and it’s almost like night outside, so black. Winds really picking up and stuff starting to rattle. Hate this weather so much. Hope your all faring better.

Bonnie glad we decided to cancel today, I’ve caught up on a few things round here. Rox no high winds here or snow but it could come later. I texted a Tesco order to Elizabeth for home delivery, my favourite foods from Charlie Bigham. It saves me going shopping there, I’ll try M&S on Thursday for food shopping.

I use M&S a lot for food shopping when I’m down in Perth. It’s a bit more expensive but soooo nice.

Rox, I love their carbonara, and a few other things. It is a bit more expensive but worth it.

My macaroni cheese was from M&S tonight it was called their best ever and was really good. Still to try Charlie Binghams Mac and cheese you recommended Jess. Will buy it this week in Sainsburys.
So glad stayed home today, Seems much calmer here now.

High wind and rain up here in the north east. Jigsaws are one of my favourite pastimes but I have difficulty finding my type of puzzle these days. I have never tried the online ones.

Bonnie I like M&S macaroni, but prefer Charlie Bighams. Scot I heard the trains to Aberdeen were canceled today, The site I go on has all kinds of jigsaws, they’ve really helped to pass the time through lockdown.

Morning All, I’m really cold today I just can’t get warm :cry: Even the water in the pool was coldish and that’s unusal.The temps up today as well, not as bad as yesterday and no ice on the car either. I hope I’m not coming down with a dose of the cold…that’s all I need.
Home now for the rest of the day and I don’t think I’ll be far from the fire either.
Enjoy your day folks.

Good afternoon everybody. Rox a lot warmer here although it was a cold wind. Had to buy more stamps today, just cards to write for family and friends and I’m finished. Will start putting up some decorations later.

Afternoon Rox and Jess weather is warmer here but also wet. I used to be too warm all the time but nowadays I am always feeling cold
. My niece is popping in this evening so going for a quick trip to the shops to get something nice for a cuppa tea. Remember the day I would have rattled up a sponge cake or some scones but am too lazy
these days.
Hope everyone has a good evening. Yoohoo to May haven’t seen you for a couple of days.

Bonnie I remember the Bero cook book, easy peasy wasn’t in it. Sponge cakes and other goodies. I haven’t baked for years and forgot how to do it. Enjoy your evening with your niece.

Morning, Sat on a cold garage just now waiting on my car to be sorted. The handbrake decided to play silly beggers and won’t hold, I’m one of the people who uses the handbrake a lot so it’s kind of an urgent job for me.
Very cold here again with showers on and off. Still got to take Dageus out so I hope the car’s not much longer. I’ve no more plans other than the house.

Oh Great, Just had the guy in to tell me there’s a support needs to be replaced as well. Fffffffook. :disappointed_relieved: got to bring the car back next week and leave it for the day.

Good morning everybody. Some blue skies here this morning, a bit warmer so I’ve turned the thermostat down a bit. Going to M&S for some food shopping later. Rox sorry to hear you have problems with your car, hope it doesn’t cost an arm and a leg to repair it.

Morning all. Dull here at the moment. Not as cold as it was. Just getting organised to go up to do my Granny duties.
Made a pot of carrot and coriander soup for a quick meal when I get back. My neighbour gave me a huge bag of carrots straight out the ground so hopefully it will be tasty.
Enjoy your day everyone.

It’s not going to be too bad, for once. Got the handbrake working well again thank goodness. Will drop the car in at the garage after my swim on Thursday next and Dunc will have to pick me up. Then I’ll use his Landrover to do what ever I have to be doing on that day.

Good afternoon Each,the sun came out so I hung the washing on the line…not for long Methinks,

Son/Partner/Daughter/SIL are all getting Their booster jags within the next few days,so it’s all systems go for dinner on the 25th,looking forward to it now
Have a good one Folks,stay safe and keep warm,xx