Fair? Life isn’t fair. It’s a dog eat dog world. Live with it. That might sound hard or trite but it’s how it is.
Hrmph! You and your harsh reality check!
You have stumbled upon the route cause of this employment quagmire, when you come to publicise your new local startup, just print half the required leaflets for your area, save binning the 50% you won’t need for the households that display “No Junk Mail” signs, the “Local Business” decriers, BTW RS, you don’t display one do you?
Going self employed is only good if there are enough people around who can afford to use it.
Surely, as things get tighter & tighter, the opportunities to get the business could go the same way?
I’m seeing a lot of tips and tricks for living very cheaply, mend and make do, and general life hacks for squeezing out every last drop of everything. Doubt it’s a business venture, mind you, but still very helpful.
This so 0 or low contracted hours is rubbish. My niece needed a job so ended up taking a 7.5hr contacted hours with the boss telling her there are always lots of hours available. Just this past 3 weeks she’s been £100 per week down in wages due to not enough work so is having to look for another job.
She really likes the job too which makes it worse as she doesn’t really want to leave but as a mother she needs a reasonable wage and regular hours not as and when.
Is it a ploy to say the unemployment figures are good I wonder
Have you heard of using the internet Spittie? Cost nothing to put on youtube/twitter etc saying the area you cover
Yes definitely, LQ…its so they can say “Look at how well we are doing, all these people are working…unemployment is down so much” I hope your niece gets decent job soon!
Thx pixie, she had an interview yesterday for a job at pets at home regular 16 hour contract and some overtime should she want some. I hope she gets it.
Oooh! Pets at Home is supposed to be a great employer! Good training opportunities and a chance to work your way up. I hope she gets it too!
You could argue that self-employment is a form of zero hour work? If there’s no work, there’s no income.
This is true…which is why a great deal of thought & research needs to be given before embarking on a business. You have to give the people what they need. I daresay even an oven cleaner would go out of business…nobody can use theirs these days due to the price of running it
Back in the 1970s, I was working 5x12hour shifts a week + Saturday and Sunday afternoons/evenings pulling petrol (days before self-service pumps) and still couldn’t earn enough to stay in the black because my ex kept spending my earnings and more on the kids and herself.
Why should central government do anything other than provide the basics of life to those unable to provide for themselves? If people need to do without luxuries such as smart mobile phones, subscription TV, internet access (available free in many places), smoking, alcohol, central heating and so on. Food? There’s far too many ways to get free or very cheap food in the UK as it is. Society is going to have change. Call it the great reset if you want. But the basis of providing housing will have to move from workers taxes paying for people to stay in houses that they can not afford to economically inactive people having to move into centralised accommodation - call them latter-day workhouses if you like. The country is grossly overpopulated and can not afford to maintain the living standard it has been doing. It won’t come this year or next year but in five years? It’ll be started down that track. We Boomers and Generation X can not expect the young wage earners to pay for us from the taxes that they pay (though the illegals and members of The Colonies with their huge families will continue to predate). We’re entering a changing world.
I think you’ve probably hit the proverbial nail right on the head with your post, Todger.
Maybe the culmination of the same world?
When I did three jobs, I didn’t have time to be “Outraged”.
what as a boyscout or what?
well when I watch “escape to the country” there seems to be dozens and dozens of beautiful properties around and away from the busy city centres and people keep moving in and seem delighted with it all??