Our Yorkshire Farm

love this programme and have watched them all and read the books. Now I read the marriage is in trouble and Clive is very worried about the future as Amanda has not been living at the farm for a few months.

last week Amanda said she is fed up with all the people who pass through their farm but this is her choice after putting them all in the limelight and offering cream teas to walkers etc. She can’t have it both ways and reports suggest she has made at least a million quid from filming and her books.

Although Amanda always takes centre stage and does most of the talking I prefer Clive as he has remained completely unchanged since they were “discovered”.


On October 12, a representative for the shepherdess said they hadn’t split and that she hadn’t moved out of the family home in Swaledale as claimed.
So yet again, the intrusive media has got the wrong end of the stick … now there’s a surprise.


@Flowerpower , l believe the farm is only leased, so maybe the
million squid will be used to actually buy the farm and then
the farm teas will be in necessary? And Clive can rest his bad
joints a bit more ??
I don’t think they will split , too many kids, and if they split
bang goes their new career ??
Donkeyman! :+1::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::+1:

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Yes, Ravenseat is on a long lease, but the Owens also have another derelict known as Anty Johns in Upper Swaledale and another farmhouse type of property (renovated by Owens) they let out for holidaymakers. IF flowerpower has read all of Amanda’s books then she will already know all of this, so a disingenuine first post.


It’s their publicist who said “they haven’t split”… But he would say that wouldn’t he….as he probably has thousands of unsold happy life on Yorkshire farm books left .

I liked the series they seemed so happy I hope they still are.


I love the programme and first heard Amanda on radio 4 before the TV series started.

I hate the way the media pick up on any titbits of ‘information’ then speculate often wrongly :icon_rolleyes:

Clive is looking old… :icon_sad:


I’ve really enjoyed that series. It shows some very happy youngsters, they remind me of my young childhood days. Then it might not have been roaming the Yorkshire Moors, it was though a case of being in the open air playing out in the countryside from morning to dusk. No obesity or unhappiness in those days, children were allowed to be children and not just continually sitting in front of a screen or on a mobile phone.

Clive is reckoned to be 67, according to what I could find. Also farming is not an easy life and that’s without having nine children and a wife who’s 21 years younger than him!

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Me too Baz :slightly_smiling_face: I grew up in the Derbyshire Peak District and spent a lot of time on my uncles farm running wild with my cousins .
I was only thinking watching the last episode how lean and fit all the children look
no obesity or ‘mental health’ issues caused by social media.
I just hope this doesn’t all get spoilt by media intrusion.

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You don’t know what to believe, do you? Un-named neighbours stating the marriage was in trouble months ago, and everyone knew it. Has she or hasn’t she moved out? Has she had her head turned by all the media fame?

I do love the show and the children but sometimes they (the older ones) seem uncomfortable in front of the cameras.

And what’s this, about friction between Clive’s eldest daughter, and Amanda?

It is Clive I feel sorry for.

I think I read that she was trying to secure a financial future for the children, with all that stuff away from the farm.

Isn’t that always the problem though? The only way to know the truth is to also hear from those involved themselves. Strange though, we often don’t hear the ‘other side’ like that, I wonder why?
:thinking: :grinning:

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That is how I remember how we all were too. After all, running around doing things all the time and out in the fresh air is not what many youngsters today experience. Also being allowed to be youngsters in those days, instead of still being young in years but not mentally or emotionally equipped to deal with modern life and how it is, must make a world of difference to young minds and how they function.

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@Meg , Exactly that Meg and Baz !!
Good luck to them l say, the kids all seem well adjusted and
sensible, and l think a couple of them are likely to step up
and take over what their parents have created by the looks of
What more could you want ??
Unfortunately they need the media to project their image :frowning:
Donkeyman :thinking::thinking:

Love this programme and also “Our Farm in the Dales” Matt Baker

With regard to the new media “information” I think if you put any relationship under a microscope then dissect every word gesture and look we would all be “under threat of breaking up”

You never know what is going to happen, once the Tills start jangling.

i HAVE read the first 3 books. the last one spent more time discussing the renovations she had made at The Firs and the people who worked on it and the items of old furniture she purchased. I found it quite boring. Would much rather hear about the farm, the animals and the kids. No idea why you think I assume Ravenseat is their only property (albeit rented).

I never said anything of the sort and if you think that, then you are deluded. As well as owning The Firs they also have Anty Johns they are just about to renovate. Ravenseat is rented but on a long and renewable lease.

What’s your gripe? you said “IF Flowerpower has read ……”. Which implied that you doubted I had.

Also calling someone “deluded” is not very nice just because your opinion doesn’t match theirs.

Its not opinion, but fact! They do own Anty Johns as well as the Firs.

So what? What are you trying to prove? I never said they didn’t own either of the properties you mention.

Just blocked LongDriver because he is a weirdo. :+1:

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