Our Universe is one of many


This has put the cat amongst the pigeons.

This lady is no idiot and has a radical view of the theory of the big bang.

Her mathematics fit our observed facts, she just looks at the from a completely different angle

If true it changes everything, including the basis of many religions.

She is very good at explaining things



Can someone please change the member introduction thing, I have no idea how that snuck in

A very interesting article, Swimmy, the kind that makes me think - which has to be good. I need to read it more than once to fully understand her theory. Thank you for sharing.

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yes an interesting book to acquire and study many times like many universes - wow cutting edge stuff in a way

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So interesting, but I don’t think it would make a jot of difference how many times I read it - I would never ‘fully understand’ her theory, for I am a bear of very little brain.


Don’t worry about that, you are good at loads of things.

I can do complex maths in my head but am often amazed by my own stupidity with any thing practical.

This lady is miles above my intelligence level but also good at explaining stuff

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it’s good to realize we may not be alone - I have never believed that for one moment

that is a book i must add to my ‘must read’ list.

I am impressed by such sophisticated and obvious intelligence. Wish I could understand all these theories better, but afraid I was too far down the list when they were giving out the clever beans. I got mainly the leftover sauce.

Interesting but no known certainty.

@swimfeeders , l have had those ideas for at least the last twenty years
Swimmy! My ideas didnt come from maths but from books and from
observing the southern hemisphere skies at night!
To me it seemed obvious that the universe was composed of uncountable
numbers of seperate galaxies all similar to ours?
The distances are so vast as to be meaningless as far as we are concerned,
Allthough there seems to be a pattern in the stars behaviours?
I havent read your article yet, but l shall, l only hope it does not contain
too much about time travel or teleportation etc?