One can wear too much perfume?

Sitting in a Cafe yesterday having breakfast.
Almost overcome with a nauseating aroma of Perfume. Surely she accidentally spilt the bottle on herself?
Someone wrote, “Perfume Should be Discovered, Not Announced”


I think it is dependant on the ingredients of the perfume
Obviously musk and florals will have a strong scent
I have no sense of smell, so I make sure I only put one squirt on, but my children always maintained they could smell my perfume still at the end of the day!


The worst thing is when some nurses in the hospital are saturated in perfume and you are lying there following surgery feeling sick :face_vomiting:


Perfume should be subtle. Unfortunately some are as subtle as a brick.


Too much perfume is better than ‘runners armpit’…Yes?


A mix of the two tops it all.


This stuff is seriously gorgeous!
Used with discretion it doesn’t become fly spray.


I wear perfume but, the ones I use have a fruity floral fragrance; and I get nice compliments from people. Years ago; I did come across one woman who didn’t like the perfume I was wearing (can’t remember which one it was) but, anyway; instead of just telling me to my face (we were all part of a group) she hands me a note complaining about it; I told my friend who was with me but, I never confronted that woman; instead I just stopped wearing that perfume or used less of it, can’t remember because it was so long ago. Sometimes; I come across someone who’s wearing too much perfume but, I prefer smelling too much perfume than smelling body odor, cigarettes, drugs or alcohol.


I love this!

I remember as a child, there was a woman who wore a very strange perfume. I tried to find it as I grew up and could never really explain the smell of it to anyone.

Only later in life, did I discover it was Chanel and cigarette smoke! Ugh :mask:


Funny you should ask…

Since Covid hit, I’m very careful not to wear much, if any fragrance for fear of it being too much.
I enjoy a very light perfume, but haven’t worn any in a month or so now.
Yesterday I felt special, so gave a spritz of Daily Dream before leaving home so I could enjoy it myself.
Well, I went to a hotel to visit a friend, and after registering at the desk, I walked to the outside door to get a bite to eat.
Right behind me were two younger gentlemen, and as I headed toward my car one of them said, “I really like your fragrance. It’s floral and light.” Noted to add-men don’t usually differentiate between floral or musky. You can imagine my grin as I thanked him for the compliment.
I’m going to try it again today before my gambling journey begins.!


I don’t wear perfume too often since Covid lockdown and you just get out of the habit when you are not mixing as much. The one I like for special occasions is Michael Kors Wonderlust, but I don’t spray it directly on the skin. I spray the air and then put my wrists in the direction of the falling spray. I then rub my wrists on my neck.

Now that we are back in the office more often I have bought a small bottle of Next Eau Nude to spritz on my wrists occasionally if I want to feel a bit special. But to be honest I don’t like putting too many chemicals on my skin. I’ve read that scented candles aren’t too good for you and I don’t use air fresheners any more. We already have so many chemicals in our foods and environment.

I used to wear Estee Lauder Pleasures & Pleasures intense regularly to work & play years ago. I stopped because I started developing allergies to all sorts of things including perfumes about 20 years back. That’s another thing you have to be careful about - some people have allergies to the ingredients even if they are just breathing in the scent. so they may say they don’t like a perfume but really it just makes them feel unwell.


I read somewhere that perfume should be sprayed above the head and “allowed to fall upon your hair and skin gently like spring rain” :smiley: (I assume they haven’t experienced Scottish Spring rain then…)

I don’t wear any these days, I find most of these things very over scented and the smell fades away very quickly anyway. Even the Lush products can be a bit much.


A previous neighbor loved perfume. I could smell her perfume from a street away. I think that she was so used to it that she didn’t know how much other people could smell it.

She was really nice. I wasn’t too bothered by it. If she wasn’t so nice, it might have been different.


I think toxic perfumes and deodorants (i.e those that aren’t one of the safe natural ones) should be banned!! Makes me want to scream when I am out somewhere and someone stinks of it :078:

You should never put anything on your skin that you wouldn’t put in your mouth :upside_down_face:


I wish people wouldn’t wear scents of any sort in public spaces… Like many others, I’m allergic to them. And Lush? The scents are overwhelming…even outside. Arrghhh… and yet I used to love a couple of perfumes but alas, cannot wear them anymore…


I almost always carry a bottle of this around with me, Turkish lemon cologne. Refreshing, not in the least bit cloying…oh, and cheap!