On my walk today, spotted this?

On my walk in the local park today, This small thing was flying, then landed on the walk near me. Then, took off, and landed again. It’s white body is about 1 1/2" long, and the wings are four black squares!
Anyone have an idea of what this is? It’s so different!
black and white flyer


Just found the answer!
It’s a Whitetail Skimmer Dragonfly!


What a fascinating looking thing.Wiki says it’s only in North America.


There are plenty of large ponds and water courses in my neck of the woods, so from around early summer right up until mid autumn I usually see at least one large dragon fly on a daily basis. The ones I see have a wing span of around 4-5 inches and are great aerobat’s .

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Dragonflies come in all colors, with symbolism attached.
This white one is rare, meaning angels from heaven are visiting you.
My son and I have this connection between us with dragonflies. He brings me plaques, ornamental glass boxes, etc with these beautiful creatures on them.

This find yesterday was very special to me.


Wow :open_mouth: I thought the original pic was some sort of electronic military drone.

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While it was floating about in front of me, the white was so distinguishable, and the four black squares were remarkable. The outer edges of the wings are so transparent you don’t notice them unless you are really looking at this creature while still.

I truly had no idea what it was, but I knew it wasn’t a butterfly!

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We have quite a few in the garden in the summer.Good for keeping the mozzies down. We have no pond at the moment (after the dog ate it ) but there is a dam over in the park opposite so they must come from there.

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