Olde Worldy Projects

Do any of you ever browse through old DIY books, see projects and think “I might actually try that”?

Friend of mine has lent me an undated textbook which I’m guessing might be from the 1950’s.

Came across this, and am toying with the idea of making it

Whaddya reckon?

The book has a load of other ones. If you fancy a piccie of details, let me know.

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Do it! I’d love to see one :smiley:

Providing it’s as good as the scaffolding plank and two breeze blocks I currently use, I might give it a go.

I did put a couple of pillowcases around those concrete blocks to protect the sofa, but my wife’s still not happy. There’s no pleasing some people!!

@Dextrous63 … I’m surprised you haven’t got more replies to this.

It looks a damn funny book Dex. Quite quirky and fun
You know your blog? It’s be great for that.
Have you thought of centering it around a weekly project taken from your little curio … with piccies … so we can all rate your skills. :smiley:

Well Dex, considering that you’re balancing that interesting piece of history (book) on your knee, I’d reckon you’re in need of such a conTRAPtion


That sounds like a great idea and (were it myself) I would be looking to make one suitable for the likes of a laptop or a tablet.
I too love old books, my parents have loads.

Just be wary regarding the price of timber etc. nowadays if you don’t have suitable already to hand; prices are still crazy high.

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