Old school alarm clock with snooze feature

How does it work?


By hearing a pin drop?


Ahhh!! :bulb::candle: Thanks!

Makes sense now. :sunglasses:

Is that where the phrase ‘you could hear a pin drop’ comes from, I wonder. :thinking:

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I just guessed but, allegedly:

Funny English Idioms and Why We Use Them! - JoolzGuides!

Why we say “To Hear A Pin Drop”

When the first tea rooms opened up in England in the 1700s buyers would attend the tea auctions and the would only be a certain amount of time available to place your bid. In order to set a time limit a pin would be stuck into a candle and then the candle would be allowed to burn down. Buyers could place bids until the level of the candle reached as far down as the pin, at which stage the pin would fall out. If there were no more bids at this stage the room would be silent and you would be able to hear a pin drop. Hence this English idiom was born!

The origin may be uncertain but the expression was in common use by the early 1800’s and, AFAIK, is still popular today … :shushing_face:


While, that’s fascinating, could make a modern version!

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I’m sure the fire brigade would be thrilled :wink:


I get the feeling that with each nail that drops means that another hour gone by.


OMG, another nail in the coffin! :rofl::coffin:


You’re right, there is that :scream:

Maybe a timer for a game or something in the evening

Or to get rid of guests who outstay their welcome….

“that nail drops, your outta here!”

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Absolutely…a jolly board game can go horribly wrong.
Monopoly springs to mind.
A wee scented candle for those who didn’t succeed with the hotels on The Old Kent Road…bless!

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My son took going to jail really badly. He refused food or drink.

He spat and swore at anyone who came near him, and started throwing things.

We never played Monopoly with him again after that……

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Well I never!
I’ll confess to lobbing the entire board up in the air as a kid , my sister wasn’t impressed, houses and hotels everywhere!!!

These days I’m a much better sport.
I gather there’s a London Underground edition of Monopoly on the market?

Don’t go to jail, go directly for a ticking off from Sadiq Khan.

What larks!

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No way would that wake me up. Fireworks every ten minutes? Bangers maybe?